A selection of new science articles from the past week of interest to the SPARC community (a SPARC Office choice).
Updated trends of the stratospheric ozone vertical distribution in the 60° S–60° N latitude range based on the LOTUS regression model. By S. Godin-Beekmann et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
Northern Hemisphere Stratosphere-Troposphere Circulation Change in CMIP6 Models. Part 1: Inter-Model Spread and Scenario Sensitivity. By A.Y. Karpechko et al. in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphers.
Early Exploration of the High Latitude Stratosphere Part I: Pre-World War II Era. by K. Hamilton in the CMOS Bulletin.
Early Exploration of the High Latitude Stratosphere Part II: Discovery of the Polar Night Jet Stream. by K. Hamilton in the CMOS Bullletin
Ozone depletion in the Arctic and Antarctic stratosphere induced by wildfire smoke. By A. Ansmann et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
Influences of Antarctic ozone depletion on Southern Ocean aerosols. By Y.A. Bhatti, L.E. Revell, and A.J. McDonald in the Journal of geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
Which Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events are Most Predictable? By D. Chwat et al. in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
Significant Effective Radiative Forcing of Stratospheric Wildfire Smoke. By C.-C. Liu et al. in the Geopyhsical Research Letters.