SPARC is holding its 7th General Assembly from 24th to 28th October 2022. The format of the SPARC GA will be different from past GAs, as it will be on a multi-hub basis with three locations (hubs) confirmed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), in Boulder, USA, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), in Reading, UK, and the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) in Qingdao, China.
Find out more on the SPARC website.
Call for Abstracts now open!
Abstract submissions are now open through an online form (see link below). When you submit an abstract please indicate the scientific theme you would like to present under and which hub you intend to travel to. Overall there will be five scientific themes:New ways of viewing the atmosphere through observations and re-analyses.New understanding of atmospheric composition and variability.Coupling between climate, radiation, and dynamics.How do dynamical processes shape climate variability and trends?Climate prediction from sub-seasonal to decades.Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and include no figures or other images. Submit your abstract
Abstract submission closes: 22 May 2022.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers
Boulder Hub:
- Libby Barnes, Colorado State University, USA.
- Marvin Geller, Stony Brook University, USA.
- Peter Hitchcock, Cornell University, USA.
- Luis Millán, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA.
- Michelle Santee, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA.
- Isla Simpson, NCAR, USA.
Qingdao Hub:
- Suvarna Fadnavis, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, India.
- Masatomo Fujiwara, Hokkaido University, Japan.
- Eun-Pa Lim, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia.
Reading Hub:
- Marie-Lise Chanin, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France.
- Hella Garny, DLR, Germany.
- Marlene Kretschmer, University of Reading, UK.
- Irina Sandu, ECMWF, UK.
Important Dates
➯ Abstract submission: 14 February – 22 May 2022
➯ Travel support requests: 21 February – 30 April 2022
➯ Registrations open: Beginning of May 2022