By Gaby Langendijk1 and Carla Gulizia2
1World Meteorological Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland (
2Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) community brings together young researchers from a range of scientific backgrounds, including both natural and social sciences. The YESS community unifies early career researchers (ECR) in an influential network giving young researchers a collective voice and leverage, while supporting career development.
Over the past year YESS has been extremely active in many ways. The community has grown extensively across the globe and carried out its first elections for Regional Representatives and the Executive Committee. YESS recently published a white paper in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, outlining our vision of the future of Earth System Science, focused on four ‘Frontiers’: seamless Earth system prediction, communication, user-driven science, and interdisciplinarity. The paper also identifies what is required to tackle these major scientific challenges from an ECR perspective. The Argentinean National Weather Service is officially supporting YESS through the establishment of a part-time YESS Officer position to assist in the day-to-day running of YESS.
Periodic webinars have been offered by YESS, whereby expert researchers share their knowledge of particular Earth system science topics. Furthermore, YESS also coordinates Council Webinars, where Council members present their own science, to promote exchange within the community.
YESS has also been present at several international conferences and research institutions around the world, organizing side events for ECR. For example, YESS helped to organize the Early Career Scientists Symposium at the CLIVAR Open Science Conference, held in Qingdao, China, in September 2016.
In the coming year YESS will continue its outreach efforts to grow and serve the community, including activities at international conferences such as EGU, AGU, IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA, etc., as well as seeking more opportunities for ECR to become more involved in various working groups, committees, and panels.
If you are a Masters or PhD student, or you are a postdoc within ~5 years of your PhD and are interested in joining the YESS community, email us at . You can also follow YESS on:
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