The ERA-NET Consortium AXIS (Assessment of Cross(X)-sectoral climate Impacts and pathways for Sustainable transformation) was created to promote cross-boundary, cross-community research with the overall goal to improve coherence, integration and robustness of climate impact research and connect it to societal needs. AXIS aims to overcome boundaries between science communities through promoting inter- or transdisciplinary research projects.
AXIS announces the launch of a Joint Transnational Call for proposals on 9 of April 2018 (17:00 CEST). It will be supported by at least 10 funding organisations from 9 European countries and co-funded by the European Commission (under Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement reference 776608). The call will have an indicative budget of 15 – 17 Mio. € to support international research projects of a duration of up to 3 years.
The AXIS joint call is structured into three interlinked themes:
1. Cross-sectoral and cross-scale climate change impact assessments
2. Integration of biophysical climate change impact estimates with economic models
3. Developing pathways to achieve the long-term objectives of the Paris Agreement, taking into account interactions with SDGs closely linked to SDG 13 (“climate action”).
Submission deadline pre-registrations: 18 June 2018, 17:00 CEST
Submission deadline full proposals: 8 October 2018, 17:00 CEST
Find the call for proposals as PDF
Find the PDF version of the announcement
For more information, please visit the JPI Climate Activities AXIS