Deadline extended: new CMIP7 Data Access Task Team

The demand for and interest in CMIP data is growing rapidly with users coming from an increasingly diverse range of backgrounds beyond the climate research community including climate services, impact modelling, regional and local policy/decision makers and indigenous communities from across the globe. This task team will seek to smooth the path between the conception of experiments and the use of the resulting data. We are looking for a diverse and multidisciplinary team of 8-12 experts representing the range of CMIP-like data providers, data users, and infrastructure providers. We are especially keen to ensure representation from all global regions and across career stages and have therefore extended the call deadline to promote wider participation. Find out more here where the call text can be downloaded for further information on the aims and objectives of the Task Team, and the relevant point of contact.

Applications should be submitted via this form (office) by Monday 23rd January 2023 and if you have any questions please contact