APARC SSG nomination call 2025 is now open

The call for nominations to APARC’s Scientific Steering Group (SSG) is now open. During recent years, the project’s scope has been broadened to now include dynamical and chemical processes in the whole atmosphere. APARC strives to understand atmospheric dynamics and composition, as well as its implications for climate variability and climate change. The SSG currently comprises 12-14 researchers from around the world with a wide range of expertise in atmospheric dynamics and chemistry. They guide APARC’s priorities and activities, working together with
the SSG co-chairs and the APARC project office.
Please note that you can either nominate a candidate or nominate yourself. The SSG takes a strategic view of APARC’s role, so we are looking for individuals with a broad view of atmospheric science and climate change as well as expertise in their own field. Scientific expertise, career stage as
well as gender and geographical balance are considered. The initial term of service is for four years
(January 2026 – December 2029), with a possible extension of two years.
You find all relevant information and the online form to submit your nomination at the APARC website.
In case you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the IPO: