The Hub Argentina of My Climate Risk (WCRP) invites you to the following activity and kindly asks you to circulate within your networks:
Webinar series: Actionable Climate Knowledge
The My Climate Risk Hub Argentina of the Lighthouse Activity My Climate Risk Argentina invites you to a webinar series in which we will address four main issues that are part of the process of evolution of the agenda of climate studies. We are an interdisciplinary team of 20 students, teachers and researchers working on several projects to build relevant knowledge for society (https://sites.google.com/view/mcrhubconicet). We have met regularly during one year to develop our take on what we understand as the main concepts of Lighthouse Activity My Climate Riskon: Risk, Co-production of knowledge, Multiple Lines of Evidence and Storylines. This series of webinars is the result of this process of continuous interdisciplinary dialogue. The first of the webinars addresses one of the main challenges in producing actionable climate knowledge: how to construct knowledge that is relevant for integration in decisions about risk management in a context of climate change. Three research experiences from different disciplinary perspectives illustrate successful cases in Argentina. The second webinar focuses on the climate storyline methodology. One of our case studies shows that stories can play a key role in improving climate risk communication. In another case study it becomes evident that different social actors build different stories about the same climatic event, delimiting possible action horizons that reveal the social structures and their power relations. A third webinar highlights the sources of information and lines of evidence used for the construction of climate knowledge, and we ask ourselves if the physical science of climate is an “objective” science or if it is influenced by the context and values of the researcher. And: are the sources of information that we choose important for the societal relevance of climate knowledge? Finally, in the fourth webinar, we will share two experiences of co-production of knowledge with you. These experiences aim at understanding the relationship between climate knowledge and society, focusing on extreme precipitation events and their consequent flooding of rivers and floods in rural and/or urban areas.