Deadline for registration and abstract submission: 17 June 2015
The 8th International Atmospheric Limb Workshop will be hosted by The Department of Earth and Space Sciences at Chalmers University of Technology.
Scientific Focus:
- Limb measurements: Emission (UV, visible, IR, microwave), occultation (solar, stellar, lunar), scattering
- Past, current and future spaceborne instruments: SMR, OSIRIS, ACE, GOMOS, MIPAS, SCIAMACHY, SMILES, SAGE, SABER, MLS, SOFIE, HIRDLS, OMPS, ALTIUS, MATS, STEAM
- Observations and modelling: Mesosphere and above, stratosphere, UTLS and troposphere
- Retrieval algorithms and data assimilation
- Radiative transfer and spectroscopy
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