1st Announcement on SPARC Workshop: “Stratospheric Change and its Role in Climate Prediction (SHARP)” in Berlin, Germany – 16-19 Feb 2016

Dear colleagues,

We would like to bring to your attention a SPARC workshop on "Stratospheric Change and its Role in Climate Prediction (SHARP)" to be held from 16-19 February 2016 in Berlin, Germany.

The SPARC-SHARP workshop aims at addressing relevant issues of stratospheric change, the interaction between atmospheric chemistry and climate change, and the implications for climate and weather in observations and model studies.

The workshop will be organized around four major topics:

  1. How is the Brewer-Dobson circulation affected by climate change, and which processes are relevant?
  2. How is the evolution of stratospheric ozone affected by climate change, and how strong is the feedback?
  3. How is stratospheric water vapour affected by climate change, and which processes are responsible?
  4. How is the coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere affected by climate change, and how strong is the feedback on climate and weather?

More detailed information on the scientific program, abstract submission, and registration check the official workshop website: http://www.geo.fu-berlin.de/en/met/sharp/news/1st-Announcement-on-SPARC-Workshop.html.

We look forward to welcoming you in Berlin!

Ulrike Langematz (FUB)

on behalf of the SPARC-SHARP Scientific Organizing Committee:

John P. Burrows (U Bremen)
Martin Dameris (DLR)
Gabriele Stiller (KIT)
Neil Harris (SPARC)
Mark Weber (U Bremen)
Hauke Schmidt (MPI Met)
Harald Bönisch (U Frankfurt)
Patrick Jöckel (DLR)