Past Meetings

Find more recent past meetings (from 2013 onwards) through the SPARC meetings calendar.


04-06 December 2019
SPARC 27th SSG meeting, Boulder, CO, USA

22-25 October 2019
Atmospheric Circulation in a Changing Climate, Madrid, Spain

25-27 March 2019
CFC-11 Symposium, Vienna, Austria


06-07 October 2018
SPARC 26th SSG Meeting, Kyoto, Japan

01-05 October 2018
SPARC 6th General Assembly, Kyoto, Japan


01 December 2017
25 years of international SPARC research, Zurich, Switzerland

18-20 October 2017
Early Career Researchers (ECR) Symposium and WCRP/SPARC workshop on “WCRP Grand Challenges and Regional Climate Change”, Incheon, South Korea

02-05 September 2017
IUGG/WCRP-SPARC training school on stratosphere-troposphere interactions, Cape Town, South Africa


31 October – 1 November
WCRP/SPARC workshop: “Challenges for Climate Science – Synergies between SPARC and the WCRP Grand Challenges, Berlin, Germany


12-17 January
SPARC 5th General Assembly, Queenstown, New Zealand


27-30 November
SPARC 20th SSG Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina

26-27 November
Regional SPARC Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina (circular)

09-12 October
4th International HEPPA Workshop in conjunction with SPARC/SOLARIS, Boulder CO, USA

16-20 July
WCRP 33rd Session of the Joint Scientific Committee, Beijing, China (by invitation)

25-29 June
SPARC Workshop on Brewer-Dobson Circulation, Grindelwald, Switzerland
See circular. See website as PDF. Find presentations.

11-13 June
9th SPARC Data Assimilation Workshop, Socorro, New Mexico, USA

21-24 Mayf
IGAC/SPARC Global Chemistry-Climate Modeling and Evaluation Workshop, Davos, Switzerland
See 1st announcement. See 2nd announcement.

2-4 April
WCRP/IASC Polar Climate Predictability Workshop, Toronto, Canada

22-24 February
SPARC Workshop on Stratospheric Sudden Warming and its Role in Weather and Climate Variations, Kyoto, Japan
See circular

06-10 February
SPARC 19th SSG Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland (by invitation)
Agenda Workshop
Agenda SSGl


13-15 December
Data Initiative – review mtg., Toronto, Canada

29 November-1 December
6th Atmospheric Limb Workshop, Kyoto, Japan

20-22 June
SPARC Workshop on Data Assimilation, Brussels, Belgium

2-5 February
SPARC 18th SSG meeting, Pune India (see Introduction; Meeting agenda; Local Workshop agenda;  IITM workshop website)


06-07 December
Canadian-SPARC 5th Annual Workshop, Toronto, Canada

03-05 November
SPARC DynVar Workshop, Boulder, CO, USA
See Circular.

25-20 October
Seasonal to Multi-decadal Predictability of Polar Climate, Bergen, Norway
See Rational; Programme; List of  Speakers; Organising Committee; List of poster presenters.

29 September-02 October
International Conference “Deltas in Times of Climate Change”, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

18-25 July
38th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR-10), Bremen, Germany

12-16 July
SCOSTEP 2010, Berlin, Germany

21-23 June
SPARC Data Assimilation Workshop, Met Office, Exeter, UK
See Programme: presentations available upon request.

10-12 March
SOLARIS Workshop, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany

22-26 February
Gravity Wave Activity Workshop, ISSI, Bern, Switzerland


30 November-04 December
5th Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America, Instituto Teconologico de Buenos Aires (ITBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina

07-08 December
Canadian-SPARC 4th Annual Workshop, Toronto, Canada

16-19 November
5th International Atmospheric LImb Conference and Workshop, Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, Finland

09-11 November
CCMVal Authors’ Meeting, Toledo Spain (by invitation)
See Agenda.

26-30 October
SPARC 17th SSG Meeting, Kyoto, Japan
See Programme.

19-22 October
The Extratropical UTLS: Observations, Concepts and Future Directions, NCAR, Boulder, CO, USA

14-26 September
Water Vapour in the Climate System, International Summer School, Corse, France

29-39 July
SPARC Data Assimilation Workshop, held in conjunction with the IAMAS meeting (MOCA-09), Montreal, Canada
See Rational; Programme.

08-09 July
SPARC Volcano Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland (by invitation)

01-03 June
SPARC CCMVal Workshop 2009, Toronto, Canada
See Circular; Rational; Programme; Abstracts; List of participants.

17-19 March
WAVAS Authors’ Meeting, Toronto, Canada


15-19 December
2008 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA

24-25 November
Canadian-SPARC 3rd Annual Workshop, Toronto, Canada

05-10 November
ESF-FMSH Entre-Sciences International Conference on New Methodologies and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Global Change Research, Porquerolles, France

21-23 October
Ibero-American Workshop on Seasonal Prediction: The Modelling Science and its Contribution to Development, CIIFEN, Guayaquil, Ecuador

10-13 November
SPARC 16th SSG Meeting, Toronto, Canada (by invitation)
See Agenda; Participant List; Presentations available upon request.

07-12 September
10th IGAC 2008 Conference: Bridging the Scales in Atmospheric Chemistry – Local to Global, Annecy-le-Vieux, France

31 August-05 September
SPARC 4th General Assembly, Bologna, Italy

13-20 July
37th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research and Associated Events (COSPAR 2008) – 50th Anniversary Assembly, Montreal, Canada

08-11 July
PAGES 3rd Open Science Conference, Corvallis, OR, USA

08-11 July
SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference and Polar Research: Arctic and Antarctic Perspectives in the International Polar Year, St. Petersburg, Russia

06-10 July
Global Conference on Global Warming 2008, Istanbul, Turkey

29 June-05 July
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2008, Tromso, Norway

17-19 June
Workshop on the Role of Halogen Chemistry in Polar Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, Cambridge, UK

17-23 May
Summer school on Dynamics, long-term Memory, and Trends in the Climate System, organized by Canadian-SPARC, Banff, Alberta, Canada

27-28 March
SPARC DynVar Workshop, Toronto, Canada
See Circular.


10-14 December
AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA

03-04 December
Canadian-SPARC 2nd Annual Workshop, Toronto, Canada

05-09 November
SPARC/SCOUT-03/NDACC/CNRS Reunion Island International Symposium: Tropical Stratosphere – Upper Troposphere, Reunion Island, France

29 October-02 November
4th Limb Workshop, Virginia Beach, VA, USA

24-28 September
Chapman Conference: The Role of the Stratosphere in Climate and Climate Change, Santorini, Greece

18-21 September
SPARC 15th SSG Meeting, Bremen, Germany (by invitation)

04-07 September
SPARC Data Assimilation Workshop in conjunction with SPARC-IPY Workshop, Toronto, Canada
See Programme; Abstracts; List of participants; Presentations available upon request.

29-31 August
Polar Dynamics: Monitoring, Understanding, and Prediction – Open Science Conference, Bergen, Norway

27-31 August
Second International Conference on Earth System Modelling, organized by SPARC, CLIVAR and WCRP, Hamburg, Germany
See Circular.

20-24 August
AMS 14th Conference on the Middle Atmosphere, Portland, Oregon, USA

02-13 July
IUGG XXIV Assembly: Earth, Our Changing Planet, Perugia, Italy

25-29 June
SPARC CCMVal Workshop 2007, Leeds, UK

12-15 June
International Workshop on Upper Tropospheric Humidity & Intercomparison Campaign of Water Vapour Measurement Techniques, Karlsruhe, Germany (by invitation)

04-08 June
Seasonal Prediction Experiment Workshop, Barcelona, Spain

22-25 May
AGU Joint Assembly, Acapulco, Mexico

12-13 April
TRENDS meeting, Washington DC, USA (by invitation)

26-30 March
WCRP 28th Session of the Joint Scientific Committee, Zanzibar, Tanzania (by invitation)

12-16 February
3rd WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Climate and NWP Models, San Francisco, CA, USA

22-23 January
1st Workshop on WCRP/IGBP Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Initiative, Geneva, Switzerland

24-29 January
AMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA


01-15 December
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA

15-17 November
2006 CLIVAR Workshop on Multidecadal to Centennial Global Climate Variability, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA
See Agenda.

09-12 November
ESSP Open Science Conference, Beijing, China

09-12 October
SPARC 14th SSG Meeting, Boulder, CO, USA (by invitation)
See Agenda; List of participants.

04-06 October
First SOLARIS Meeting, Boulder, CO, USA
See Report.

02-04 October
SPARC Data Assimilation Workshop, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
See Programme; List of participants.

26-28 September
ADM-Aeolus Workshop, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

17-23 September
Joint IGAC/CACGP/SOLAS/WMO Symposium: Atmospheric Chemistry at the Interfaces, Cape Town, South Africa

16-23 July
36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly and Associated Events, Beijing, China

12-14 June
Modelling of Deep Convection and of Chemistry and their Roles in the Tropical Tropopause Layer,  organised by SPARC/GEWEX/GCSS/IGAC, Victoria BC, Canada (by invitation)
See Circular; Programme.

29 May-01 June
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society – 40th CMOS Congress, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

23-26 May
AGU Joint Assembly, Baltimore, USA

06-11 March
WCRP 27th Session of the Joint Scientific Committee, Pune, India (by invitation)

07-11 January
Joint SPARC-IGAC Workshop: The Routes for Organics Oxidation in the Atmosphere and its Implications to the Atmosphere, Alpe d’Huez, France


14-16 December
Joint COSMAS/UTLS Ozone Final Science Meeting, Cambridge, UK

10-12 November
2nd International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP II), Copenhagen, Denmark

17-22 October
ICSU 28th General Assembly, Beijing, China

07-19 October
CCMVal-2005 Chemistry-Climate workshop, Boulder, CO, USA

09-13 October
IHDP 6th Open Meeting, Bremen, Germany

03-15 October
Cargese International School, COST Action 723: Upper Troposphere-Lower Stratosphere, Cargese, Corsica, France

12-16 September
EMS 5th Annual Meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands

12-15 September
SPARC Data Assimilation Workshop & SPARC Workshop on Stratospheric Winds, Banff, Canada
See Rational; Programme; List of Participants; Presentations available upon request.

22-26 August
IAG/IAPSO with IABO Joint Scientific Assembly, Cairns, Australia

02-11 August
IAMAS 9th Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China

18-29 July
IAGA 10th Scientific Assembly, Toulouse, France

11-15 July
3rd Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America, Popayan, Colombia
See Rational.

20-24 June
5th International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX), Orange County, California, USA

12-17 June
AMS Joint Conference between Middle Atmosphere, Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics and Climate Variability and Change, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

23-27 May
AGU Spring Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

18-20 May
Joint SPARC/IGAC UTLS Workshop: Processes governing the chemical composition of the mid-latitude UTLS, Mainz, Germany
See Rational; List of Speakers; List of Participants.

12-13 May
SPARC Polar Stratospheric Clouds Assessment Meeting, Coolfont, DC, USA

09-14 May
SCOSTEP 11th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, Taipei, Taiwan, China

07-13 May
Global Chemistry for Climate (GCC) Project Summer School on Hierarchy of Models, Banff, Alberta, Canada
See Rational; Programme.

24-29 April
EGU Assembly, Vienna Austria

18-22 April
WMO 4th International Symposium on Assimilation of Observations in Meteorology and Oceanography, Prague, Czech Republic

12-18 March
First GRIPS Meeting, Toronto, Canada

03-04 March
Update of Temperature Trends, Reading, UK

09-13 January
AMS 85th Annual Meeting, 16th Conference on Climate Variability, 7th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, San Diego, CA, USA

05-07 January
Joint IGAC/NOAA/NASA Conference on the Indirect Effects of Aerosols on Climate, Manchester, UK


12-25 September
14th National Summer School on Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge, UK

04-09 September
8th International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand

16-26 August
ESA Summer School on Earth System Monitoring and Modelling, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy

16-20 August
2004 Western Pacific Geophyiscs Meeting (AGU WPGM), Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA

09-12 August
SPARC 3rd General Assembly, Victoria BC, Canada

18-25 July
COSPAR 35th Scientific Assembly, Paris, France

06-08 July
UTLS 6th Ozone Science Meeting, Lancaster, UK

09-14 June
3rd Workshop on Long-term Trends in the Atmosphere, Sozopol, Bulgaria

01-08 June
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium “Kos 2004”, Kos, Greece

24-28 May
2nd Latin-American Congress on Ultraviolet Radiation Measurements and Biological Effects in High Altitude Locations, La Paz, Bolivia

23-28 May
16th Rencontres de Blois “Challenges in the Climate Sciences”, Chateau de Blois, France

17-21 May
2004 CGU-AGU-SEG-EEGS Joint Assembly, Montreal, Canada

25-30 April
EGU 1st General Assembly, Nice, France

24-26 March
SPARC GRIPS Workshop, Bologna, Italy

15-20 March
34th Saas-Fee Advanced Course on The Sun, Solar Analogs and the Climate,  Davos, Switzerland

29-30 January
International Workshop on Critical Evaluation of mm-/sub-mm-wave Spectroscopic Data for Atmospheric Observations, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan

10-14 January
AGU Chapman Conference on Gravity Waves Processes and Parameterisation, Kohala Coast, Hawai’i, USA


18-29 December
Joint UTLS Ozone and CWVC Workshop on Aerosols in the Upper Troposphere-Lower Stratosphere (UTLS), Oxford, UK

09-11 December
Workshop on Observation, Transport Modelling and Climatology of the Southern Hemisphere Stratosphere, Buenos Aires, Argentina

17-19 November
Workshop on Process-oriented Validation of Coupled Chemistry-Climate Models, Garmisch-Patenkirchen, Germany

11-14 November
ACSYS Final Conference, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

04-05 November
SPARC Workshop on Understanding Seasonal Temperature Trends in the Stratosphere & Jim Angell 80th Birthday Symposium, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA

22-25 September
SPARC 11th SSG Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany

15-19 September
International Conference on Earth System Modelling, MPI, Hamburg, Germany

15-18 September
3rd IAGA Workshop on Solar Forcing of the Middle Atmosphere, IAP, Prague, Czech Republic

08-19 September
13th National Summer School on Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge, UK

01-05 September
Royal Meteorological Society’s Biennial Scientific Meeting, Norwich, UK

29 August
The Split Ozone Hole of 2002: A Meeting of the Atmospheric Chemistry Special Interest Group of the Royal Meteorological Society in association with the Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

18-29 August
1st ENVISAT Data Assimilation Summer School, ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy

07-13 August
One-Week Summer School on Global Chemistry and Climate of the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere, Montreal, Canada

13-18 July
Gordon Research Conference on Solar Radiation and Climate, New London, NH, USA

30 June-11 July
IUGG XXII General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan

23-26 June
Modelling and Assimilation for the Stratosphere and Tropopause, ECMWF, Reading, UK
See Programme; List of Participants.

04-06 June
SPARC/ASSETT Data Assimilation Workshop, Florence, Italy
See Programme; List of Participants.

14-16 May
Workshop on Tropical Meteorology and Chemistry, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany

29 April-02 May
Workshop on the Role of the Stratosphere in Tropospheric Climate, Whistler BC, Canada

06-11 April
EGS/AGU/EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France

02-06 April
SPARC-IGAC Joint Meeting, Giens, France

17-21 March
WCRP 24th Session of the Joint Scientific Committee, Reading, UK

04-07 March
SPARC GRIPS Workshop, AGU HQ, Washington DC, USA

24-28 February
Workshop about Lidar Measurements in Latin America, Camagüey, Cuba

09-13 February
AMS 83rd Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, USA


03-05 December
Workshop about DAWEX (Darwin Area Wave Experiment) Results, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA (by invitation)

25-29 November
Colloque CNFCG-CNES: Regards croisès sur les Changements Globaux, Arles, France

18-21 November
SPARC 10th SSG Meeting, Kyoto, Japan

12-15 November
International Symposium on Stratospheric Variations and Climate, Fukuoka, Japan

04-08 November
AMS 12th Conference on the Middle Atmosphere, San Antonio, Texas, USA

10-19 October
COSPAR 34th Scientific Assembly and the 2nd World Space Congress, Houston, Texas, USA

18-25 September
Atmospheric Chemistry in the Earth System: from Regional Pollution to Global Change, Crete, Greece

16-17 September
VORCORE/STRATEOLE Workshop, CNES HQ, Paris, France

02-06 September
6th European Symposium on Stratospheric Ozone, Göteborg, Sweden

08-11 July
UTLS 5th Ozone Science Meeting, Bristol, UK

12-14 June
7th Biennial HITRAN Database Conference, Massachusetts, USA

27-30 May
GAW Workshop for WMO Region VI (Europe) on Status and Trends of Global Atmosphere Watch with particular emphasis on the situation and needs of WMO Region VI, Riga, Latvia

19 May-01 June
NATO Advanced Study Institute (NASI) on Data Assimilation for the Earth Sciences, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy

13-16 May
276th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Trends in the Upper Atmosphere (by invitation), Külungsborn, Germany

22-26 April
EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France

08-12 April
29th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE): Information for Sustainability and Development, Buenos Aires, Argentina

18-22 March
International Symposium on Equatorial Processes Including Coupling (EPIC), Kyoto, Japan

04-06 March
Arctic Ozone Loss Workshop, Potsdam, Germany


17-19 December
Transport and Chemistry in the UTLS Region Workshop Programme, Cambridge, UK

10-14 December
AGU 2001 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA

04-07 December
SPARC 9th Session of the SSSG, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA

24-27 September
Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change: NDSC 2001 Symposium, Arcachon, France

25 September-05 October
School on the Physics of the Equatorial Atmosphere, Trieste, Italy

10-14 September
GEWEX 4th International Conference, IPSL, Paris, France

19 August-01 September
Cargese International School, Cargèse, Corse, France

20-24 August
Workshop on Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Interaction during the Climate Conference 2001, Utrecht, The Netherlands

19-31 August
IAGA-IASPEI 2001 Joint Scientific Assembly, Hanoi, Vietnam

16-20 July
Detecting Environmental Change: Science and Society, London, UK

10-19 July
IAMAS General Assembly, Innsbrück, Austria

10-13 July
Global Change Open Science Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

08-21 July
WMO-GAW European Dobson Spectrophotometer Intercomparison, Hohenpeissenberg, Germany

02-06 July
2nd Workshop on Long-term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, organised by IAGA-ICMA/IAMAS and PSMOS/SCOSTEP, Prague, Czech Republic

17-21 April
Tropopause Workshop, Bad-Toelz, Germany

25-30 March
EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice France

19-22 March
Workshop on Nitrogen Oxides in the Lower Stratosphere-Upper Troposphere (UTLS), Heidelberg, Germany

19-22 March
SPARC-IOC Preparation Meeting of the Next Ozone Assessment, Maryland, USA

06-08 March
Lidar Measurements in Latin America Workshop, Camagüey, Cuba

21 February-01 March
SPARC GRIPS Workshop, Hamburg, Germany

14-19 January
AMS 81st Annual Meeting: Millennium Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry – Past, Present and Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Climate Variability, the Oceans and Social Impacts, 12th Symposium on Global Change Studies, 11th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA


15-19 December
AGU 2000 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA

11-15 December
12th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

27 November-01 December
ISARS2000: 10th International Symposium on Acoustic Remote Sensing, Auckland, New Zealand

06-10 November
SPARC 2nd General Assembly (SPARC 2000), Mar del Plata, Argentina

24-26 October
North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone (NARSTO) Technical Conference on Aerosol Science: Tropospheric Aerosols, Queretaro, Mexico

02-06 October
First S-Ramp Conference, Sapporo, Japan

02-06 October
12th Meeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

25-29 September
Conference on Non-linear Phenomena in Global Climate Dynamics, Trieste, Italy

25-29 September
Euro-Conference on the Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

22-29 August
Meeting of the UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, Abisko, Sweden

24-29 July
International Radiation Symposium (IRS), St. Petersburg, Russia

23-27 July
16th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics, Cambridge, UK

16-23 July
COSPARC 33rd Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, Poland

10-14 July
Meteorology at the Millennium, Cambridge, UK

10-14 July
20th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Vichy, France

03-08 July
XXIX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

14-15 June
20th EARSeL Symposium on Remote Sensing in the 21st Century: A Decade of Trans-European Remote Sensing Cooperation, Dresden, Germany

30 May-03 June
AGU Spring Meeting 2000, Washington, DC, USA

29 May-16 June
Chemistry-Climate Interactions: Summer Colloquium on the Physics of Weather and Climate, Trieste, Italy

08-11 May
12th Conference on Applied Meteorology & 15th Conference on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Science, Asheville, North Carolina, USA

25-29 April
EGS’ 2000 Session Reports, Nice, France

13-17 March
Report on the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee 2000 Meeting, Tokyo, Japan


13-15 December
Brewer-Dobson Workshop, Oxford, UK

12-15 October
Chapman Water Vapour Conference, Potomac, USA

27 September-01 October
Report on the 5th European Ozone Symposium, St-Jean-de-Luz, France

18-30 July
IUGG Birmingham Symposium Reports, Birmingham, UK

15-24 May
NATO ASI on Chemistry and Radiation Changes in the O3 Layer

19-23 April
EGS 1999 Session Reports, The Hague, The Netherlands

22-25 March
SPARC GRIPS ’99 Workshop Report, Reading, UK

15-20 March
WCRP Joint Scientific Committee meeting report, Kiel, Germany

16-19 February
International Workshop on Trends in the Atmosphere, Pune, India


07-09 December
Workshop on Small Organic Peroxy Radicals, Paris, France

24-26 November
Seminar on Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions, Cochin, India

08-11 November
European Workshop on Mesoscale Processes in the Stratosphere, Bad Tölz, Germany

12-19 July
COSPAR 32nd Scientific Assembly, Nagoya, Japan

29 June-02 July
European Conference on Atmospheric UV Radiation (ECUV), Helsinki, Finland

20-24 April
EGS 1998 General Assembly, Nice, France

16-20 March
WCRP Joint Scientific Committee meeting, Cape Town, South Africa

09-12 March
SPARC QBO Workshop, La Jolla, CA, USA

03-06 March
SPARC 3rd GRIPS Workshop, NAS GSFC, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA


20-22 October
Workshop on Stratospheric Change, Tsukuba, Japan

4th European Symposium on Stratospheric Ozone Research, Schliersee, Germany

26-28 August
WCRP Conference & SPARC Report at the Conference, Geneva, Switzerland

18-21 August
2nd IAGA/IAMAS Workshop on Solar Activity Forcing of the Middle Atmosphere, Prague, Czech Republic

14 August
Session 2.18 of the IAGA/ICMA Symposium, Uppsala, Sweden

20-22 May
IGAC/SPARC/GAW Conference, Toronto, Canada

17-22 March
WCRP Joint Scientific Committee meeting, Toronto, Canada

03-06 March
SPARC 2nd GRIPS Workshop, Berlin, Germany


21-23 October
International Workshop on Modelling Heterogeneous Chemistry of the Lower Stratosphere-Upper Troposphere (UTLS), Strasbourg, France

15-18 October
International Meeting on the Impact of Aircraft Emissions upon the Atmosphere, Paris, France

09-10 September
Workshop on SPARC Reference Climatology, Port Jefferson, New York

19-24 August
International Radiation Commission (IRC) Symposium, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA

19-20 July
COSPAR Session A1.1 on the Middle Atmosphere, Birmingham, UK

08-11 July
SPARC-IOC Workshop on Trends in the Vertical Distribution of Ozone, Haute Provence, France

06-10 May
EGS Assembly, The Hague, The Netherlands

14-19 April
Symposium on the Global Atmospheric Effects of Aviation, Virginia Beach, USA

21-25 April
Reports form EGS General Assembly, Vienna, Austria

01-05 April
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Gravity Wave Processes and their Parameterisation in Global Climate Models, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

11-16 March
Report of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee, Toulouse, France

04-07 March
SPARC 1st GRIPS Workshop, Victoria, Canada


18-19 December
STTA Meeting, Berlin, Germany

02-11 October
NATO-ASI on UV-B Radiation, Halkidiki, Greece

18-22 September3rd European Symposium on Polar Stratospheric Ozone Research, Schliersee, Germany

05-15 September
NATO Advanced Study Institute (NASI) on the Stratosphere and its Role in Climate, Val Morin, Quèbec, Canada

02-14 July
IUGG General Assembly with The Middle Atmospheric Science Symposium, Boulder, CO, USA

13-15 June
SPARC Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange Workshop, Pointe-de-Lac, Quèbec, Canada