Category Archives: News

Call for nominations for 2024 IGAC SSC members open

IGAC is currently seeking new members for the 2024 Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) from the international community. Serving on the IGAC SSC is ideal for well-established mid to senior career scientists. IGAC strives to have a good balance in its SSC members including in areas of atmospheric chemistry specialization, gender and geographic location.
For 2024, IGAC is primarily seeking new members from Europe, China, and the Middle East. If you are not from those regions, but are interested in being more involved with IGAC’s leadership in the future, please first write to  about when we expect a need for new members from your region and other ways to contribute to IGAC.
Nominations will be accepted until 15 July 2023. For information on serving on the IGAC SSC, please see The Expectations and Role of IGAC SSC Members. IGAC accepts both nominations and self-nominations.

Climate 2024 Travel Award -Deadline: 31 December 2023

We are pleased to announce that the application period is now open for the Climate 2024 Travel Award. The applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee chaired by Dr. Timothy G. F. Kittel of Climate.

This prize provides financial support for the winner to attend an international conference in the field of climate processes to be held in 2024, in order to hold a presentation, present a poster, or both.

For more informations visit the webite here.

Actionable Climate Knowledge – My Climate Risk (WCRP) Webinar Series

The Hub Argentina of My Climate Risk (WCRP) invites you to the following activity and kindly asks you to circulate within your networks:

Webinar series: Actionable Climate Knowledge

The My Climate Risk Hub Argentina of the Lighthouse Activity My Climate Risk Argentina invites you to a webinar series in which we will address four main issues that are part of the process of evolution of the agenda of climate studies. We are an interdisciplinary team of 20 students, teachers and researchers working on several projects to build relevant knowledge for society ( We have met regularly during one year to develop our take on what we understand as the main concepts of Lighthouse Activity My Climate Riskon: Risk, Co-production of knowledge, Multiple Lines of Evidence and Storylines. This series of webinars is the result of this process of continuous interdisciplinary dialogue. The first of the webinars addresses one of the main challenges in producing actionable climate knowledge: how to construct knowledge that is relevant for integration in decisions about risk management in a context of climate change. Three research experiences from different disciplinary perspectives illustrate successful cases in Argentina. The second webinar focuses on the climate storyline methodology. One of our case studies shows that stories can play a key role in improving climate risk communication. In another case study it becomes evident that different social actors build different stories about the same climatic event, delimiting possible action horizons that reveal the social structures and their power relations. A third webinar highlights the sources of information and lines of evidence used for the construction of climate knowledge, and we ask ourselves if the physical science of climate is an “objective” science or if it is influenced by the context and values ​​of the researcher. And: are the sources of information that we choose important for the societal relevance of climate knowledge? Finally, in the fourth webinar, we will share two experiences of co-production of knowledge with you. These experiences aim at understanding the relationship between climate knowledge and society, focusing on extreme precipitation events and their consequent flooding of rivers and floods in rural and/or urban areas.

6th International Electronic Conference on Atmosphere – Call for Contributions

The 6th International Electronic Conference on Atmospheric Sciences (ECAS 2023), chaired by Prof. Dr. Anthony R. Lupo, will be held online from 15 to 30 October 2023.

This year, the topics of interest for this event include, but are not limited to:

  1. Biosphere, Hydrosphere, Land–Atmosphere Interactions
  2. Air Quality and Human Health
  3. Biometeorology
  4. Meteorology
  5. Atmospheric Techniques, Instruments, and Modeling
  6. Climatology
  7. Air Quality
  8. Aerosols
  9. Air Pollution Control

You can participate in ECAS 2023 free of charge in by submitting an abstract before 9 June 2023. After acceptance, you will be asked to submit a short proceedings paper (3–6 pages), optionally with a poster, a slides presentation (in PDF), and/or a short video presentation (max. 3–5 minutes) before 31 July 2023. For more information check the “Instructions for Authors“.

For more informations visit see the website.

Save the date – QOS 2024 Announcement

The Quadrennial Ozone Symposium Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the dates and location of QOS 2024. The meeting will be held in-person in Boulder, Colorado, USA from 15-19 July 2024, and hosted by the University of Colorado Boulder with a hybrid virtual option. We are excited to follow in the footsteps of a wonderful QOS 2021 graciously hosted online by Yonsei University, Korea. Please see below/attached the announcement poster and stay tuned for updates from the Organizing Committee on abstract submission, registration, venue, travel, and other information. We look forward to seeing everyone working on everything ozone science in Boulder and online in July 2024!

Tomorrow: next event of the Tipping Points Discussion Series

We invite you to join us for our upcoming discussion on Tipping Points in Education and Digitalisation, taking place on 25 May 2023, 15:30 – 17:00 CEST

This webinar is part of the Tipping Points Discussion Series organized by AIMES, the Earth Commission, the WCRP Safe Landing Climates Lighthouse Activity, and partners. The series aims to advance knowledge of tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt changes in the Earth system – both in natural and social systems. Our two speakers are: 

  • Raya Muttarak (University of Bologna) – Exploring the role of education as a potential accelerator of sustainable society
  • Ridhi Kashyap (University of Oxford) – Digital technologies as accelerators of information diffusion

The discussion will be moderated by Anne Goujon (IIASA)

All information and the link to register are available on the FutureEarth website.