Category Archives: News

WCRP Carbon Footprint from Travel

Image credit: Eva Darren (

During the last year, travel to international meetings and conferences has slowly started to pick up again. While we learned a lot about how to interact virtually in the two years of the COVID pandemic, we also learned the value of personal interactions. The challenge now is to balance our responsibility to keep carbon emissions as low as possible with the importance of building professional relationships. The WCRP Guidelines on Reducing Carbon Emissions from Travel aims to reduce carbon emissions from WCRP-related travel, while also helping the community to think strategically about how to deliver meetings in ways that reduce the carbon footprint of the Programme.

WCRP EPESC Lighthouse Activity webinar series – Earth Energy Imbalance

The WCRP Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change Lighthouse Activity invites you to join the fifth webinar of the series that will provide a discussion forum on topics focused on predicting and explaining a range of different climate phenomena and events, while supporting the further development of a scientific agenda.  

This fifth webinar will focus on recent changes and the human influence on the Earth Energy Imbalance. 


  • Karina von Schuckmann (Mercator Ocean, France): Heat stored in the Earth system 1960–2020: where does the energy go? 
  • Norman Loeb (NASA, USA): Recent Changes in Earth’s Energy Imbalance 
  • Shiv Priyam Raghuraman (NCAR, USA): Clear evidence of human influence on Earth’s energy imbalance 

The event will take place on Wednesday 19th July 2023, from 14:00hs to 15:30hs UTC. Speakers will give a 20-minute talk each followed by a round table discussion, with questions from participants.  

Registrations are free and can be done via 

CCMI Science workshop – Abstract submission now open

As announced a little while back, the 2023 CCMI Science Workshop will be held in Toulouse, October 3 -5. We can now announce that the conference registration system is up and running. You can find more details about the workshop and the link to register and submit abstracts and requests for travel support at

Please note that some of the dates on the website are not quite correct. The deadlines for submission of abstracts and applications for travel support is July 20th. Apologies for any confusion and we will try and get things set right in the coming days.

Thanks to support from IGAC and SPARC, we do have limited funds available to support travel for Early Career Researchers – Ph.D students and those who have completed their Ph.D less than five years ago. More details, including how to apply, can be found on the conference website.

There will be an option to participate in the oral presentation sessions on-line, but please consider joining us in-person for all the impromptu interactions that happen outside of the presentation sessions, such as during poster sessions and coffee breaks. And for the chance to see Toulouse!

Upcoming webinar: How do we address climate risk? Challenges from an interdisciplinary dialogue

The Argentinean Hub of My Climate Risk (WCRP) invites you to attend the webinar:

How do we address climate risk? Challenges from an interdisciplinary dialogue

June 27th 11:00-12:30 Arg | 14:00-15:30 UTC

This webinar is the first one in a series entitled “Actionable Climate Knowledge.” We will address one of the main challenges in producing actionable climate knowledge: how to construct knowledge that is relevant for integration in decisions about risk management in the context of climate change. Three research experiences from different disciplinary perspectives illustrate successful cases in Argentina.

Register here: REGISTER

Subscribe for more information about these activities: SUBSCRIBE

Hub CONICET-Argentina, My Climate Risk – World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

Upcoming SRI 2023 session: Enhancing Capacity for Climate Risk Assessment and Catalyzing Partnerships to Inform Decisions in Latin America and the Caribbean

The WCRP community is warmly invited to the Latin America and the Caribbean LACI SRI 2023 sessionEnhancing Capacity for Climate Risk Assessment and Catalyzing Partnerships to Inform Decisions in Latin America and the Caribbean

The session will be hybrid and the WCRP community have been provided with a complimentary Zoom link. The session objectives are to introduce the LACI pilot activities, which focus on catalyzing partnerships across the Americas and advancing regional capacity in climate risk assessment to help inform decision-making on climate impacts. 

The session will be held on Monday 26 June, 2:30-6:00 pm (ET) / 8:30-11:30 pm (CEST). Here is the registration form. 

Open Position at ETH: Professor of High-Resolution Weather and Climate Modelling (fwd)

The Department of Environmental Systems Science ( at ETH Zurich invites applications for the above-mentioned position.

The new professor will be responsible for developing a leading research and teaching program that focuses on high-resolution weather and climate modelling, including both disciplinary and system-oriented ultidisciplinary research. The successful candidate is expected to develop an innovative research program that makes an important contribution to advancing process understanding in the climate system and providing detailed information about climate change that is also relevant for adaptation measures. The core research activity of the new professor could be for instance in fields related to the development and application of large-eddy simulation models in the context of the larger-scale climate system, regional and global kilometer-scale weather and climate simulations, the development of physical parameterizations for high-resolution atmospheric models coupled to land, ocean and ice, and the use of high-resolution ensemble techniques.

The professorship will be part of the Institute of Atmospheric and Climate Science. ETH Zurich and other research organizations in Switzerland, including MeteoSwiss, provide a wide range of opportunity for collaboration in the areas of high-resolution weather and climate modelling. The successful candidate is expected to teach undergraduate level courses (German or English) and graduate level courses (English) in the Atmosphere and Climate study program, covering both basic and advanced topics in numerical modelling of weather and climate. ETH Zurich is an equal opportunity and family-friendly employer, values diversity, and is responsive to the needs of dual-career couples.

Please apply online:

Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement of future research and teaching interests, a description of the leadership philosophy, and a description of the three most important achievements, and the names of three references. The letter of application should be addressed to the President of ETH Zurich, Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot. The closing date for applications is 31. August 2023

Job offers at Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, Uni Graz, Austria

The Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, University of Graz (Austria), is currently looking for new members:

  • University assistant with doctorate
    Independent team-integrated collaboration (research group ARSCliSys) in the field of climate analysis and satellite remote sensing with occultation methods, specifically on data analysis innovations, uncertainty characterization of climate records and their application for atmospheric and climate research
    40 hours a week, fixed-term employment for 6 years, position to be filled as of 01.09.2023
    Application deadline: July 5th, 2023
  • Project assistant without doctorate
    Independent research on the impact of wildfires and volcanic eruptions on climate trends in the atmosphere, within the scope of a dissertation and integrated in the Radio Occultation & Climate Team
    30 hours a week, expected employment until 31.12.2024, position to be filled as of 01.08.2023
    Application deadline: June 21st, 2023

IGAC – Americas Working Group (AWG) Community

IGAC AWG welcomes nominations and self-nominations to its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) from the international community. This call is open to scientists in all career stages. IGAC AWG is currently accepting nominations to start in 2024 from the following regions:

  • Andes (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela)
  • Caribbean
  • Central America

Nominations will be accepted until 31 August 2023. For information related to the IGAC AWG SSC, please see Fostering a collaborative atmospheric chemistry research community in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

For more information on the role and expectations of IGAC AWG SSC members, please feel free to contact the IGAC AWG Co-chairs Olga Mayol-Bracero () and Marcos Andrade ().

Climate Coffe – Seminar

The ECRA community is happy to announce the restart of Climate coffee talks with the first speaker:

                Romain Millan at 21st of September 10 to 11 am

as usual the coffee breaks will be held ONLY virtual. Please make sure you bring your own cup of tea/coffee or favourite drink a small snack and enjoy:

        Monitoring ice shelf vulnerability at both poles from multiple sensor remote sensing data

Participation link is here.

Director positions available in three WCRP IPOs

Three exciting leadership opportunities in WCRP International Project Offices (IPOs). WCRP invites applications for the posts of:

  • Director of the CLIVAR (Climate and Ocean – Variability, Predictability, and Change) International Project Office, hosted by the Ocean University of China (OUC) in Qingdao, China
  • Director of the RIfS (Regional Information for Society) International Project Office, hosted by Ouranos in Montreal, Canada
  • Director of the ESMO (Earth System and Modelling Observations) International Project Office, hosted by DKRZ in Hamburg, Germany

For more details visit the WCRP website.