With a slight delay the July 2023 issue of the SPARC newsletter is now available online:
SPARC Newsletter No. 61 | SPARC (sparc-climate.org)
Enjoy reading through an interesting collection of workshop reports and SPARC science descriptions.
With a slight delay the July 2023 issue of the SPARC newsletter is now available online:
SPARC Newsletter No. 61 | SPARC (sparc-climate.org)
Enjoy reading through an interesting collection of workshop reports and SPARC science descriptions.
Thank you to everyone who has submitted abstracts for the CCMI workshop. We are beginning work to organize the program based on the contributions we have, but given that it is summer time for many of you and there have been a few recent enquiries about submitting abstracts, we have left the abstract submission system open for a few more days. The system is now due to stop accepting new submissions at the end of the day August 4th. So if you have been thinking about submitting an abstract, there is still time!
As a reminder, the workshop website is at http://www.meteo.fr/cic/meetings/2023/ccmi/
David and the Toulouse Local Organizing Committee.
Registration to the workshop (9-13 October, Munich) is now available trough: https://www.wavestoweather.de/meetings/sparc-snap-2023/index.html
Note that all ECS and everyone receiving travel support (s recently announced in a separate email) is eligible for the reduced registration fee of 150 Euros.
Registration Deadline is August 18.
Please join us at the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting 2023 for our “Climate forcing: quantifying the roles and responses of anthropogenic and natural climate drivers” session (GC027).
The conference will run in-person and virtually this year from Monday to Friday, 11-15 December 2023 in San Francisco, CA, USA, 8:30am-7:30pm Pacific Standard Time.
Session Description:
This session highlights research quantifying and assessing uncertainties in forcing agent evolution and their climate influence using Earth System Model simulations, or Earth observations. We invite contributions on all aspects of climate forcing research, including the development of historical and future forcing time-series, analyses that use idealized, single-, multi-model approaches or emulators, or observational methods to evaluate climate responses. We are especially interested in studies that examine the responses to forcing changes through time, using the current (CMIP6) or previous CMIP phases. Research that considers multiple components of the climate system (the ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, land surface/subsurface, and biology) and provides evidence for linkages and coherent forced responses is highly encouraged.
Abstract submission deadline: Wednesday 2nd August 2023, 23:59 EDT/US Instructions and abstract submissions: https://www.agu.org/Fall-Meeting or https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/prelim.cgi/Home/0
The deadline for early bird registration for the WCRP Open Science Conference has been extended! New deadline: 25 July 2023
Register now and take advantage of this extension:
Plenary and parallel session speaker line-ups is available in the OSC programme. Pre-registration for side events with a limited number of participants is also open now.
Please share this announcement widely within your networks. Attached you can find an artwork that you can also use in your social media channels. Please use #WCRPOSC23 so we can create a buzz to get this message out!
Please note that AGU Fall Meeting (11-15 December 2023) sessions that are co-sponsored by WCRP are now listed on our website:
The abstract submission deadline is 2 August 2023.
Please note that there will be a WCRP Union Session at the Fall Meeting this year: Future prospects for climate science in the decade ahead: Lessons learned from the WCRP Kigali Open Science Conference
More details will be made available in due course.
If any WCRP activities plan to meet at AGU this year, please let us know. We have heard of several tentative plans and there may be value in coordinating.
Tuesday July 25th 11:00-12:30 Arg | 14:00-15:30 UTC
This webinar is the second one in the webinar series “Actionable Climate Knowledge”
https://sites.google.com/view/mcrhubconicet/eventos/ciclo-de-webinars from the Argentinean Hub of the My Climate Risk Lighthouse Activity. In this webinar we will focus on a topic of growing interest: the study of climate storylines. Through two research experiences in Argentina, we will show different disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches that try to respond to the following challenge: how to build socially relevant climate information to face the challenges posed by climate change.
Assessment of plausible changes in Climatic Impact-drivers relevant for the viticulture sector: a storyline approach with a climate service perspective
M. Florencia Fossa Riglos (PERyG-CESIA-EIDAES/UNSAM, Argentina)
Climate storylines as a disputed field of meanings: an interdisciplinary approach
Register here: https://forms.gle/r8KndPSbCVM4sRGD6
Do you want more information about our activities? Subscribe:
Hub CONICET-Argentina, My Climate Risk – World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
Looking specifically for candidates from Europe, China, and the Middle East. Please see announcement here for more details.
The newly established IGAC Early Career Scientific Steering committee invites you to save November 17th, 2023, for the first IGAC ECR remote conference which will take place across three time zones.
In each time zone, there will be invited speakers, vPICO style and poster presentations, early career relevant workshops and networking opportunities. A conference by and for early career researchers of the IGAC community, opened to all to attend.
Free registration (everyone) and abstract submission (early careers only) to come soon.
Platforms: Gather Town and Zoom.
The next iCACGP-IGAC Conference will be held from 9-13 September 2024 in Kuala Lumpur. An Early Career Short Course will be held 6-8 September 2024. More information to come soon here.
We are excited to announce that planning is in place to launch two new Lighthouse Activities later in 2023. The new Lighthouses will focus on advancing our understanding of precipitation (to be called the Global Precipitation Experiment (GPEX)) and on research into the potential effects of climate intervention. Initial scoping of both activities showed that they will offer exciting opportunities for ambitious and transdisciplinary research to meet society’s urgent need for robust and actionable climate information.