Category Archives: News

Announcement: Joint WCRP/WWRP Webinar Series: Asian-Australian Monsoon – Nov. 30

Following the success of the first webinar in the series on Global Monsoon, we are happy to announce the second webinar on Asian-Australian Monsoon, which is scheduled for November 30, 2023, 7:00-8:30 UTC.

The webinar is chaired by Dr. Thea Turkington (Centre for Climate Research Singapore, Singapore) and Dr. Gill Martin (Met Office Hadley Centre, UK), with two presentations:

  • Prof. B. N. Goswami (Cotton University, India): “Impact of Climate Change on Indian Monsoon
  • Dr. Tim Cowan (University of Southern Queensland, Australia): “Australian Monsoon: Development and Implementation of Operational Services

Please find more details on the webinar webpage: 2. Asian-Australian Monsoon (

To register the webinar, please click the link:

Announcement: Middle Atmosphere Science session at the AOGS2024 Annual Meeting

Please note the following session of interest at the AOGS2024 Annual Meeting:

AS29 session: Middle Atmosphere Science

at AOGS2024 21st Annual Meeting, in Pyeongchang, Korea, in June 23 to 28, 2024

Abstract submission deadline: January 02, 2024

The “Middle Atmosphere Science” session has been a recurring feature of the annual AOGS meeting since 2008, encompassing all the disciplines of middle atmosphere dynamics, physics, and chemistry, with time scales ranging from weather to climate. It also includes studies of their interplay with the troposphere and the thermosphere (or the ionosphere). We welcome research findings derived from theoretical studies, observations, data analyses, and numerical model experiments. We particularly encourage submissions that offer novel insights into Middle Atmosphere Science and showcase results from international collaborations and field campaigns. Research topics include, but are not limited to:

 – Satellite observations of planetary waves to gravity waves

 – Multi-scale interactions between planetary waves and gravity waves in the middle atmosphere

 – Wave dynamics associated with Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSWs), the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), and the Brewer-Dobson Circulation (BDC)

 – Theory, observation, modeling, and parameterization of gravity waves

 – Troposphere-Stratosphere (TS) dynamical coupling in both tropical and extratropical regions, as well as tropics-extratropics teleconnections

 – Processes in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (MLT) and their interactions with the stratosphere

 – Dynamics, physics, and chemistry in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS), including the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL)

 – Stratospheric chemistry and ozone recovery

 – Multi-scale transport and mixing of trace gases in the Middle Atmosphere and their treatments in coupled Chemistry-Climate Model (CCM)

 – Transport and mixing processes associated with spatiotemporal variations in the concentration of air pollutants through the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere

 – Solar influences on the Middle Atmosphere through the variations of Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), Solar Spectral Irradiance (SSI), and high energy particles (HEP)

 – Data assimilation techniques applied to the Middle Atmosphere

Invited speakers and (tentative) paper titles:

Dr. Young-Ha Kim (Seoul National U., Korea)  “Obliquely Propagating Gravity Waves: Role in the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation Dynamics”

Dr. Yu-Chiao Liang (National Taiwan U., Taiwan)  “Attempts to Study the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events Using Explainable Deep Learning Approaches”

Dr. Jiankai Zhang (Lanzhou U., China)  “Impacts of Stratospheric Polar Vortex on the Wintertime Frontogenesis over the Northern Hemisphere”

Dr. Narendra Sing (ARIES, India)  “Understanding of the Distribution of Pollutants in the Himalayan Region through Transport and Mountain Meteorology”

Dr. Dai Koshin (U. Tokyo, Japan)  “Long-term Reanalysis of the Middle Atmosphere Produced by JAGUAR-DAS”


Shigeo Yoden (Kyoto University, Japan)

Zeyu Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Hye-Yeong Chun (Yonsei University, Korea) Surendra Dhaka (University of Delhi, India) Takatoshi Sakazaki (Kyoto University, Japan)

Announcement: TP-Challenges (UTLS) Conference 11-14 March 2024

since decades the UTLS region has been recognized as a challenge for modelling and observations. Many new measurements are available, as well as modelling and theory progressed over the last years and highlighting new perspectives on UTLS relevant processes related to aerosol distribution, cirrus formation, small scale dynamics or climate aspects.

We therefore encourage you to submit an abstract to the 2024 UTLS-workshop held at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany from the 11-14 March 2024. The workshop will focus on new observations, combined measurement and modelling studies, which are relevant for UTLS research.

Confirmed keynote speakers are Bill Randel, Andrew Gettelman, Albert Herzog, Christina Williamson.

Abstract submission will be open until 15 December.

Please visit the conference page at to register.

Please also feel free to forward this announcement to whoever might be interested. Your help in this regard would be appreciated. We also apologize for the case you are receiving the announcement several times.

Best regards

Peter Hoor and Aurelia Müller

Announcement: SPARC Hunga-Tonga impacts workshop 22-24 April 24 @ Univ. Paris, France

The 2nd open science workshop of the SPARC Hunga-Tonga impacts activity will be held on Mon 22nd to Wed 24th April 2024.  

The workshop will be in-person at the University of Paris, France (Ecole Normale Supérieure, 29 rue d’Ulm) 

Further info will be provided later, but for now please save the dates!

Best regards,

Graham Mann, Yunqian Zhu, Paul Newman and Bill Randel (HTHH leadership team)

Local organising team: Sergey Khaykin, Bernard Legras, Pasquale Sellitto, Clair Duchamp & Aurelien Podglajen

Workshop outline:

The January 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai (HTHH) eruption was the most explosive volcanic eruption in the satellite era, and the water-rich plume is causing substantial impacts on the stratosphere and climate.

A SPARC cross-activity HTHH impacts project has convened a special Hunga-Tonga impacts report for publication in late-2025. The report will feed into the 2026 UNEP/WMO Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion, providing a benchmark synthesis of the eruption’s impacts on the stratosphere and climate. 

This 2nd open science workshop invites latest research on Hunga-Tonga’s impacts on the atmosphere, with modelling and observational studies of the eruption itself, the progressing volcanic aerosol and water vapour and impacts on climate and the stratospheric ozone layer.

Announcement: TP-Challenges International Conference – 11-14 March 2024 – Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

This conference will take place in cooperation with the DFG SFB TP-Change and SPARC

The upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS) region is important for global climate. Transient processes and small scale scale dynamics at the tropopause affect the distribution and gradients of radiatively active species, aerosols and clouds which in turn may feed back on dynamics.

The focus of the meeting will be on UTLS processes and their feedbacks involving experimental research as well as theory and modeling. We aim at bringing together the expertise on tropopause relevant topics from different fields of research to discuss their relevance for the global atmosphere.

Invited Speakers already confirmed:
A. Gettelman, UCAR, B. Randel, NCAR, C. Williamson, NOAA, A. HertzogIPSL

Research Contributions will be organised into the three TPChange research areas:

  • Research Area A – the role of aerosol and ice particles in the UTLS, their formation, chemistry, evolution and effect on the atmospheric radiation budget
  • Research Area B – the interaction of dynamical and microphysical processes in the UTLS
  • Research Area C – large scale processes and the impact of processes of all scales on UTLS composition and variability, their expected changes in the future and their impact on present and future climate

Time frame will be
*Monday 10:30 to Thursday 13:00 (external guests)
*Thursday after lunch internal discissions will take place, and on Friday training sessions are scheduled.

Find meeting webpage with more information

Postdoctoral Research Scholar Impacts on Earth Systems, National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, Virginia (US)

The National Institute of Aerospace, working with NASA Langley Research Center, in the United-States,  is opening a Postdoctoral position in Earth Science to study the impacts of volcanic eruptions, fires and pollution on stratospheric composition and climate.

For more informations see here: INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER APPLICATIONS or visit the website: Recruitment (

SPARC Training School on “Climate Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence in the Global South” at University of Rwanda on October 29th-31st

WCRP SPARC is sponsoring a 3-day training school on “Climate Data Science & Artificial Intelligence in the Global South” from October 29 to 31 at the University of Rwanda – College of Science and Technology. The training school is scheduled to follow the WCRP Open Science Conference in Kigali from October 22 to 28, which will attract climate researchers from around the world.

The training school is organized by Dr Mohamadou A. Diallo, Prof. Amadou T. Gaye, Prof. Michaela I. Hegglin and Prof. Ted Shepherd as part of the SPARC Outreach Panel in collaboration with the University of Rwanda. We are targeting Early-Career Scientists (i.e. BSc, MSc and PhD students, as well
as postdoctoral fellows) from all over the world who are attending the WCRP OSC in Kigali, as well as local students and researchers. Participation may be limited (30 places), and ECS applications from the Global South are particularly encouraged.

Participation in the training school is free of charge. Coffee breaks, lunches and accommodation are also included, as well as a social evening. Financial assistance is available for those who need to cover the cost of flight changes for at least a limited number of ECSs.

The deadline for applications is October 15, 2023. For applications, please send an email to Mohamadou A. Diallo ( at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany and include information on your background, university, country of origin as well as how you think this training school will help you in your current or future projects.

Or contact the organizers: Mohamadou Diallo from Forschungszentrum Jülich.

Deadline extended: DynVar/SNAP workshop on “The Role of Atmospheric Dynamics for Climate and Extremes”

The registration deadline to attend the event in Munich, Germany is extended to August 31.

Please make sure to register by then via the link:

Any questions or problems regarding registrations, please contact


WCRP webinar: “Sources of climate information: The role of our values and context”

The Argentinean Hub of My Climate Risk (WCRP) invites you to the following webinar and kindly asks you to circulate this information within your networks:

Fuentes de información climática. ¿cómo influyen nuestros valores y contexto?

Sources of climate information: The role of our values and context

23 August 2023, 14:00-15:30 UTC

This webinar will address the sources of information and lines of evidence used for the construction of climate knowledge. Is the physical science of climate an “objective” science or is it influenced by the

context and values ​​of the researcher? Also, are the sources of information that we choose important for the societal relevance of climate knowledge?

The webinar is the third in a series on “Actionable Climate Knowledge,” organized by the Argentinean Hub of the WCRP My Climate Risk Lighthouse Activity. The webinar will have simultaneous interpretation in Spanish/English. 

More information:


The recordings of the first two webinars from the series are now available:

Both webinars can be viewed in Spanish or English.

Kind regards

The Argentinean Hub of My Climate Risk (WCRP)