Category Archives: News

16th IGAC Scientific Conference: Atmospheric Chemistry from a Distance: Real Progress through Virtual Interaction

Held Virtually Globally, week of 12 September 2021

For the 2021 virtual conference, IGAC’s scientific program will center its scientific program around its current working groups and activities.  This will highlight the exciting work being done as part of IGAC, grow the networks of these working groups and activities, and expose new scientists to the year-round work IGAC does. IGAC will also have an open science session for atmospheric chemistry research that does not fit into any current working groups or activities. We hope this will expose any gaps in IGAC’s current activities and serve as a poll for the atmospheric community on the next big questions in atmospheric chemistry. 

Abstracts are open for submission here and are due May 1st, 2021. You may modify abstracts submitted for the delayed Manchester 2020 IGAC conference or delete and submit a new abstract. 

The conference will take place the week of September 12, 2021. An Early Career Research Programme will take place the week before the main conference. A link to register your interest in this program is at the bottom of the abstract submission link. 

To register for the conference without submitting an abstract, click here. 

Announcement: WCRP-WWRP Symposium on Data Assimilation & Reanalysis: 13 – 18 Sep. 2021

The WCRP-WWRP Symposium on Data Assimilation and Reanalysis will be held in Bonn (Germany), 13-18 September 2021 alongside the 2021 ECMWF Annual Seminar on Observations. The event is kindly organized by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) at ECMWF’s new location in Bonn.

Abstract submission and financial support applications are now open, with a deadline of 30 April 2021.

Find more information on the meeting objectives and program at

Announcement: 49th Global Monitoring Annual Conference (GMAC) 24 – 28 May 2021

The NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory (GML) is pleased to announce details about the 49th Global Monitoring Annual Conference (GMAC) and continue our ongoing effort to collaborate and bring the long-term global monitoring community together each year.

The 2021 virtual GMAC (eGMAC) will be held on five consecutive days: Monday, May 24th through Friday, May 28th, 2021, beginning at 12:00PM Mountain Daylight Saving Time (UTC -6). Each session will be ~3 to 3.5 hours long. Sessions will be recorded to allow colleagues in all time zones to view the presentations after the session concludes.  

Each day will have the following format plus a few short breaks:

  • 6 scientific talks (12 minutes each, plus 3 minutes for questions)
  • Virtual discussion rooms with the oral presenters
  • Virtual poster session to include:
    • 90-second lightning talks for each poster to begin the session
    • Virtual presentation/discussion room unique to each poster

Registration is now open! If you plan to attend any of the sessions, please register on the eGMAC website:

Registration will be required to access links for the daily presentations and discussion rooms.

GML is happy to accept abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations again this year. Due to the virtual format, approximately 30 oral presentations will be chosen. All abstracts that are not chosen for oral presentations will be offered poster presentation slots. Poster presenters are encouraged to only submit one abstract unless they have a strong co-author that can host the virtual poster presentation room on their behalf.  

The eGMAC’s agenda is largely driven by the abstracts we receive – GML strongly encourages scientists at all points in their career to submit an abstract and we look forward to your contribution.

Abstract submission is now open! The abstract submission deadline is Monday, April 26th.  Submit your abstract at:

If you have any questions, please contact the 2021 eGMAC Organizing Committee or visit the eGMAC website:

SPARC Science update: 23 March – 29 March

A selection of new science articles from the past week of interest to the SPARC community (a SPARC Office choice).

Tropospheric ozone in CMIP6 simulations. By P.T. Griffiths et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Monitoring sudden stratospheric warmings using radio occultation: a new approach demonstrated based on the 2009 event. By Y. Li et al. in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.

Enhanced climate response to ozone depletion from ozone‐circulation coupling. By P. Lin and Y. Ming in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Near‐global Variability of Stratospheric Water Vapor observed by SAGE III/ISS. By M. Park et al. in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Natural variability contributes to model–satellite differences in tropical tropospheric warming. By S. Po-Chedley et al. in PNAS.

Announcement: 44th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events; “COSPAR 2022”

Date:     16 – 24 July 2022                                            

Place:         Athens, Greece                                         


Find meeting webpage

Abstract Deadline:                Mid-February 2022            


Approximately 140 meetings covering the fields of COSPAR Scientific Commissions (SC) and Panels:
– SC A:  The Earth’s Surface, Meteorology and Climate
– SC B:  The Earth-Moon System, Planets, and Small Bodies of the Solar System
– SC C:  The Upper Atmospheres of the Earth and Planets Including Reference Atmospheres
– SC D:  Space Plasmas in the Solar System, Including Planetary Magnetospheres
– SC E:  Research in Astrophysics from Space
– SC F:  Life Sciences as Related to Space
– SC G:  Materials Sciences in Space
– SC H:  Fundamental Physics in Space
– Panel on Satellite Dynamics (PSD)
– Panel on Scientific Ballooning (PSB)
– Panel on Potentially Environmentally Detrimental Activities in Space (PEDAS)
– Panel on Radiation Belt Environment Modelling (PRBEM)
– Panel on Space Weather (PSW)
– Panel on Planetary Protection (PPP)
– Panel on Capacity Building (PCB)

– Panel on Education (PE)

– Panel on Exploration (PEX)

– Panel on Interstellar Research (PIR)

– Panel on Innovative Solutions (PoIS)

– Task Group on Establishing a Constellation of Small Satellites (TGCSS)

– Special events:  interdisciplinary lectures, round table, etc.

Selected papers published in Advances in Space Research and Life Sciences in Space Research, fully refereed journals with no deadlines open to all submissions in relevant fields.

CliC chairmanship 2021-2024: open call for nominations

The Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) project is one of the core projects of the World Climate Resarch Programme (WCRP), serving as the focal point for climate science related to the cryosphere, its variability and change, and interaction with the broader climate system.

CliC is now launching an open call for nominations for chairmanship. Self-nominations are encouraged. Please fill in this form and it send to  no later than April 16th 2021. If you have questions, please contact present co-chairs Fiamma Straneo or James Renwick. 

SPARC Science update: 16 March – 22 March

A selection of new science articles from the past week of interest to the SPARC community (a SPARC Office choice).

CMIP5/6 models project little change in the statistical characteristics of sudden stratospheric warmings in the 21st century. By J. Rao and G.I. Garfinkel in the Environmental Research Letters.

Equatorial waves, diurnal tides and small‐scale thermal variability in the tropical lower stratosphere from COSMIC‐2 radio occultation. By W.J. Randel, F. Wu, and A. Podglajen in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

On the effects of the ocean on atmospheric CFC-11 lifetimes and emissions. By P. Wang et al. in PNAS.

Discussion papers – open for comment:

Observation and modelling of ozone-destructive halogen chemistry in a passive degassing volcanic plume. By L. Surl, T. Roberts, and S. Bekki in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

WCRP Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) project chairmanship 2021-2024: open call for nominations

The Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) is one of the core projects of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), serving as the focal point for climate science related to the cryosphere, its variability and change, and interaction with the broader climate system.

CliC is now launching an open call for nominations for chairmanship. Self-nominations are encouraged. Please fill in the attached form and send to not later than April 16th.

Now open: Abstract submission to 16th IGAC Conference, September 2021

Abstract submission is now open for the 16th IGAC Conference, to be held virtually starting September 12th, 2021. The theme of this conference is Atmospheric Chemistry from a Distance: Real Progress through Virtual Interaction

For the 2021 virtual conference, IGAC’s scientific program will center its scientific program around its current working groups and activities.  This will highlight the exciting work being done as part of IGAC, grow the networks of these working groups and activities, and expose new scientists to the year-round work IGAC does. IGAC will also have an open science session for atmospheric chemistry research that does not fit into any current working groups or activities. We hope this will expose any gaps in IGAC’s current activities and serve as a poll for the atmospheric community on the next big questions in atmospheric chemistry. 

Abstracts are open for submission here and are due May 1st, 2021. You may modify abstracts submitted for the delayed Manchester 2020 IGAC conference or delete and submit a new abstract. 

The conference will take place the week of September 12, 2021. An Early Career Research Programme will take place the week before the main conference. A link to register your interest in this program is at the bottom of the abstract submission link.  To register for the conference without submitting an abstract, click here.