Category Archives: News

Second Announcement: International Workshop on Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions and Prediction of Monsoon weather EXtremes (STIPMEX)

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune in association with Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany, is organising an International Workshop on Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions and Prediction of Monsoon weather EXtremes (STIPMEX) during 02-07 June 2024.

The workshop is supported by  MoES, IMD, IMPO, WCRP/SPARC, ACAM, SSiRC, WWRP/WGTMR, and Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany. For more details refer to the attached workshop flyer and website below

There will be sessions relevant to SSiRC, e.g. on ATAL or the impact of recent volcanic eruptions on the Asian Monsoon. Please consider submitting an abstract, and do pass the information on to anyone who may be interested.

It is our pleasure to inform you that the last date for abstract submission for the upcoming International Workshop on “Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions and Prediction of Monsoon Weather Extremes (STIPMEX)” at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune, India, has been extended to 29 February 2024.

Job Opportunity: Level II/III Ladder Track Scientist to lead the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)

NSF NCAR ACOM is looking for a Level II or III Ladder Track Scientist to lead or become the lead of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) and to work on questions related to modeling of the dynamics, physics, and chemical transport in the “whole atmosphere”. Specifically we are seeking someone with expertise in dynamics, thermodynamics, and transport processes, and their interactions, from the troposphere to the lower thermosphere. The position is within the NSF NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling (ACOM) Laboratory but the candidate would work closely with teams in the Climate & Global Dynamics (CGD) Laboratory and the High Altitude Observatory (HAO). The position is open until 12 February 2024.

More details on the position and how to apply can be found here:

Announcement: 6th WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR6)

The 6th WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR6) will be held from 28th October to 1st November, 2024, in Tokyo, Japan. This edition of the conference is supported by the WCRP, the Japan Meteorological Agency, and “Climate change actions with co-creation powered by Regional weather information and E-technology” (ClimCORE). 
For more information about the conference, check out their website:

Second Announcement: TP-Challenges (UTLS) Conference

11-14 March 2024 in Mainz, Germany

conference website: .

Please note that the abstract submission deadline has been extended to 12 January 2024.

If you plan to present your work at the meeting, please do not forget to register and submit your abstract.

The scientific steering group will decide on the type of your presentation and inform you by 19 January.

Limited funds to support travel of early-career scientists are available. In this case please submit an informal application and the abstract of the work you want to present to

We would appreciate if you could forward this announcement to your colleagues. And, again, we apologize if you receive this announcement several times.

Program committee:

Peter Hoor, Joachim Curtius, Christiane Voigt, Ulrich Achatz, Peter Spichtinger, Andreas Engel, Holger Tost

Call for Contributions: 2024 Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress

The Call for Contributions is open for the 2024 Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress, organized in collaboration with Sustainability Science Days (SRI/SSD2024). The Congress will be held in Helsinki and Espoo, Finland. The call for contributions also invites proposals for the Satellite Event in Africa.

Submissions are welcome from diverse groups of people working to accelerate sustainability transformations, including those from the research sector, government, business, and civil society.

Explore the SRI/SSD2024 Themes and Contribution Types and review the submission instructions to ensure that your proposal aligns with the focus of the Congress.

The deadline to submit is 30 November.

Job Opportunity: Program manager – RIfS project office

RIfS is a new core project of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP), which has been advancing international collaboration in climate science for 40+ years. RIfS will work to narrow the gap between scientific advances and users of climate information. There is a lot of important work to be done building consensus on how to utilize physical climate data for decision-making, improving data access and equity, and so much more.  

We’re looking for entrepreneurial generalists to join a small team with big ambitions. You will be integral in setting up RIfS for success, as part of a small initial team with our director. You should be familiar with climate science and the institutions around it, international non-profits, and/or related domains. 
This role is for as a Program Manager, responsible for operations, logistics, and interfacing with internal and external partners. This role does not require expertise in climate science, but some background is preferred. We hope to find someone with experience in climate and/or environmental non-profits who has worked internationally beyond Europe and North America. 

As a small office, we all need to chip in to help with administrative tasks on occasion. We value collaboration, empathy, inclusivity, and being communicative and proactive. We will favor candidates who can demonstrate cultural competency to work with diverse populations internationally.  

See full job announcement

Deadline: 10 December 2023

Announcement: International Workshop on Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions and Prediction of Monsoon weather EXtremes (STIPMEX) in Pune, June 2024

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune in association with Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany, is organising an International Workshop on Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions and Prediction of Monsoon weather EXtremes (STIPMEX) during 02-07 June 2024.

The workshop is supported by  MoES, IMD, IMPO, WCRP/SPARC, ACAM, SSiRC, WWRP/WGTMR, and Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany. For more details refer to the attached workshop flyer and website below

There will be sessions relevant to SSiRC, e.g. on ATAL or the impact of recent volcanic eruptions on the Asian Monsoon. Please consider submitting an abstract, and do pass the information on to anyone who may be interested.

Download 1st Announcement

ESMO IPO is hiring a Scientific Officer and a Science Communication & Engagement Officer


The Earth System Modelling and Observations International Project Office (ESMO IPO) based at the German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ) (Germany) is hiring a Scientific Officer and a Science Communication & Engagement Officer. This is an exciting opportunity to join the ESMO IPO team, working in a dynamic and international environment supporting the brand-new and ambitious WCRP ESMO core project, enabling advances and progress in the exciting field of climate science! Deadline for applications is 18 December 2023.

First Announcement: Ozone_CCI User Workshop in May 2024

28-29 May 2024, two half-day virtual sessions (virtual meeting)

Background: The European Space Agency’s Climate Change Initiative (CCI) aims to realise the full potential of the long-term Earth Observation archives collected by ESA and Third-Party missions. Since 2010, the Ozone_cci team ( has been developing, maturing, generating and sustaining multiple complementary multi-decadal satellite ozone Climate Data Records (CDRs) tailored for climate monitoring, climate research and climate modelling applications. The CCI portfolio consists of total and tropospheric ozone column data products as well as vertically resolved ozone products by nadir and limb-viewing sensors.

Objectives: The main objectives of this workshop are (a) to bring together scientists involved in the generation of ozone CDRs, as well as (potential) users of ozone CDRs, and the broader ozone and climate communities, (b) to present the state of the art in ozone CDR production, (c) to discuss results from major CDR users (e.g., stratospheric and tropospheric ozone assessments, UT/LS studies, evaluation of climate modelling, data assimilation and reanalysis), (d) to collect and update user requirements for CDRs, and (e) to discuss remaining challenges for the generation of ozone CDRs.

Organising team: M. Dameris, D. Hubert, M. van Weele, N. Kalb, C. Retscher Further information can be found at

A workshop report from the first cci Workshop was published in SPARC newsletter No. 57 (July 2021)