Category Archives: News

Celebrating Thirty Years of SPARC sciences – Webinar series

This year marks the 30th anniversary of SPARC, a core project of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). In this time, SPARC has evolved into a major international research coordination hub for atmospheric sciences, with the primary goal to facilitate research that improves our understanding of atmospheric processes and their role in climate.

SPARC is particularly recognised for its lively scientific community. To celebrate SPARC’s achievements over the last three decades, we invite you all to celebrate with us and join us for a series of three webinars leading up to the grand SPARC General Assembly in October 2022.

We are delighted to announce we will host the first SPARC 30th anniversary webinar on Thursday 21st April 2022 13:00 UTC. Prof. Susan Solomon from the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) will give a presentation on “Evolving Challenges in Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate”, taking us through some history of how our science has experienced a succession of things that have challenged our understanding and how the science community rose to the challenges. She will also talk about the recent findings related to stratospheric research and that there is still more to discover.

To participate the webinar register here.

Call for participation in the next CATCH Open Science Workshop on 9-13 May 2022

CATCH proudly announces the next science workshop to discuss atmospheric chemistry research, with a focus on natural processes specific to cold regions of the Earth.  Please register online here.

The workshop will host invited talks, social interactions, and contributed posters on CATCH related topics with the aim of fostering scientific interactive discussions between researchers on outstanding questions. This workshop addresses researchers at all stages of their careers and will provide ample opportunity for early career scientist to present and discuss their work.

Sessions and topics will include:

  • Linking biogeochemistry to aerosol-cloud interactions in the Southern Ocean and Antarctic
  • Ocean-ice-snow-atmosphere fluxes 
  • Polar halogen chemistry and interlinked processes
  • Cryospheric links to aerosol-cloud interactions 
  • Coupling of ocean-ice-atmosphere processes: from sea-Ice biogeochemistry to aerosols and Clouds

The meeting format will be one topic per day split into 3 events about 2 hours each plus social time and poster sessions. The schedule will cover all time zones. We look forward to your participation.

IAMAS Early Career Scientist Webinar Series #7 March 25, 2022

As part of the monthly IAMAS webinars, we would like to announce that IAMAS will host a ICMA related webinar on Friday 25. March at 10am CET (9am UTC). It will be about sea-ice and the stratospheric polar vortex. The (Early-Career-Scientist) speaker will be Dr. Marlene Kretschmer from University of Reading. See the full announcement here.

The webinar will be on Zoom and you are all welcome to attend: please register to get the link. The webinar will be recorded and uploaded on the IAMAS youtube Channel.

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: 2nd Climate Observation Conference, 17-19 October 2022

We are very pleased to announce that the call for abstracts for the 2nd Climate Observation Conference, taking place on 17-19 October 2022 in Darmstadt, Germany, is now open!

Abstracts can be submitted online through the conference website for either an oral or poster presentation. The abstract submission deadline is 1 June 2022.  

The participants can already register to the Conference using the online registration tool on the conference website. The registration deadline is 23 September 2022.

The Conference will be in person, even though hybrid options will be made available too. For more information, please visit our webpage:

Do not hesitate to circulate this email to any interested person.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

We are looking forward to welcoming you in October in Darmstadt!

1st call for Abstracts for SSiRC workshop – 16th May to 18th May 2022 – at Univ. Leeds, UK

This is a first call for Abstracts for the re-scheduled 3rd international workshop on Stratospheric Sulfur and its Role in Climate (SSiRC), to be held 16th May to 18th May 2022.

The SSiRC workshop will be in-person at the University of Leeds, UK. The overarching aim is to foster collaboration among observational and modelling groups, for research to better understand the stratospheric aerosol layer, drivers for its observed variations and volcanic impacts on climate.

The Abstract deadline is 29th March, with information on registration, Abstract submission and accommodation on the workshop website:

SSiRC is an established SPARC (Stratosphere-Troposphere Processes and their role in Climate) activity, with SPARC being a core project within the World Climate Research Program (WCRP).

Limited funding is available for Early Career Researchers (ECRs), to partly cover travel expenses to attend the SSiRC workshop in Leeds, UK, with priority given to applications from the Global South.

Whilst the workshop is an in-person meeting, a limited number of participants will be able to connect remotely.

To apply for ECR travel funds or re: connecting remotely, please contact the meeting organizers. We hope that you’re interested to attend the SSiRC workshop, and look forward to receiving your Abstract, and meeting you in Leeds in May.

Call for Nominations for the PAUL J. CRUTZEN AWARD – FOR EARLY CAREER SCIENTISTS – 2022

International Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (iCACGP)

The international Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (iCACGP) is one of the Commissions in IAMAS (International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences) of the IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) under the non-governmental ISC (International Science Council) family. iCACGP facilitates atmospheric chemistry research that contributes to solving the societal issues of air quality, human/ecosystem health, food production and water quality. This is achieved through an enhanced understanding of the fundamental mechanisms that control atmospheric composition, surface fluxes and the development of improved predictive capabilities.

Purpose of the prize

The “Paul J. Crutzen Award for Early Career Scientists of the International Commissions on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution” is granted for an outstanding research contribution in atmospheric sciences by an early career scientist. The purpose of the award is to promote scientific innovation in atmospheric sciences for the protection of the environment.

The person nominated for the Award should be the first author of at least one cited paper with significant innovation and impact. An early career scientist is defined for this award as a researcher within 7 years of completing a Ph.D. or equivalent degree. If parental leave falls into this period, up to one year may be added per child where appropriate. The nominee should meet the above criteria by the first of June of the year when the award is competed.

The deadline for submission of the full nomination package is June 17th, 2022. The decision will be announced early July 2022.

The Prize

The Award consists of a certificate, accompanied by a prize that will cover registration fees, airfare (economy class) and lodging fee of the winner to attend the joint 15th Quadrennial iCACGP Symposium and the 17th IGAC Science Conference in Manchester (UK). The award will be presented at the conference.

For more informations see here.

The 2022 Call for SCOR Working Groups is open!

The SCOR Secretariat invites proposals for new working groups to commence activities in late 2022.

These projects are not directly related to SPARC activities but might be useful for atmosphere-ocean interaction projects and might also be of use to our community.

Deadline for submission: 30 April 2022. 

Click here for instructions, guidelines, and a template to help prepare the proposals.

The selection of the new SCOR working groups will take place at the 2022 SCOR Annual Meeting scheduled to take place in Busan, Korea, on the week of the 3-7 October 2022. For more information, read the full call.

iCACGP-IGAC2022 Hybrid Conference – Abstract Submissions Open!

The iCACGP-IGAC 2022 Conference Committee is excited to announce that abstract submission is open for the hybrid conference to be held September 10-15 in Manchester, UK and virtually globally. 

We understand that this is a difficult time for many. We are excited about coming together in-person as an international global atmospheric chemistry community (our first in-person conference since 2018!) but we will also have several modes of virtual participation, including a fully online poster session for all participants and full online availability of talks for those that can’t or do not wish to travel. 

Abstracts can be submitted here. The scientific program is outlined here and the conference fee structure is here.  Abstract submissions will be open until May 31. Final decisions will be made by July for oral presentations. 

We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you in-person or virtually in September!!