Category Archives: News

6th WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models

The deadline for abstract submission to the 6th WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models, ECMWF, Reading, 31 October to 4 November 2022. Has been extended.

Abstracts are due 13 June 2022.

The workshop brings together a wide range of experts on simulating the Earth System including atmosphere, ocean, waves, land-surface, atmospheric composition, cryosphere, and associated disciplines to advance the understanding of systematic simulation errors at all timescales. A particular emphasis is given to identifying errors in complex coupled systems and to understand their root causes. Progress in diagnosing and addressing systematic errors using a wide range of tools ranging from classical methods to advanced technologies such as data assimilation and machine learning / AI will be documented. The workshop will encourage an active discussion on relative merits of active development of physical models and parametrisations to address systematic errors versus bias correction methods. Please see the website for additional details on the topics of interest and format.

Early career researchers from selected countries will be able to enter a competition for best abstracts for oral presentations. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is pleased to offer funding for travel to ECMWF (UK) to the winners of the competition. Please see here for details.

Tipping Element Discussion Series

We are delighted to invite you to the following event in the Tipping Element Discussion Series

Paleoclimate insights on societal collapse 
How did climate influence the collapse of ancient civilizations? 

3 June 2022, 17:30 – 19:00 CEST 

Join AIMES, Earth Commission, Future Earth and the WCRP Safe Landing Climates Lighthouse Activity for the Paleo focused webinar in a series that aims to advance the knowledge about tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt changes in the Earth system. This event will look at paleo insights on climate change and how it has impacted societies – sometimes leading to their collapse. 

Presentations : 

  • Collapse of complex societies – Joseph Tainter (Utah State University) 
  • How climate change impacted ancient civilizations- Ann Kinzig (Arizona State University) 

Moderated by Timothy Lenton (University of Exeter)


GCOS Climate Observation Conference – Abstract submission deadline coming up!

The 2nd GCOS Climate Observation Conference (17-19 October 2022, Darmstadt Germany) will gather experts of climate science, climate observations, technology innovation, data scientists, climate services, users of data information and funding agencies to discuss and develop pathways towards a fit-for-purpose climate observing system for 2050 and beyond.

The call for abstracts is open until 1 June

Six themes are proposed for the submissions and are the basis for the Conference sessions: 

  • Climate Observing Networks
  • Climate Extremes and Tipping points
  • Climate Observations to support Climate Policies
  • Climate Data Records
  • Data Processing and Management
  • The Global Climate Observing system in the future: GCOS 2050

Travel grants will be available for early career researchers coming from the Global South and presenting abstracts. 

Do not miss the recent updates on the Climate Symposium here and do not forget to submit your abstract before the 1st June!

Abstract submission deadline for the 6th WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models approaching

We are fast approaching the abstract submission deadline for the 6th WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models, ECMWF, Reading, 31 October to 4 November 2022.

Abstracts are due 31 May 2022.

The workshop brings together a wide range of experts on simulating the Earth System including atmosphere, ocean, waves, land-surface, atmospheric composition, cryosphere, and associated disciplines to advance the understanding of systematic simulation errors at all timescales. A particular emphasis is given to identifying errors in complex coupled systems and to understand their root causes. Progress in diagnosing and addressing systematic errors using a wide range of tools ranging from classical methods to advanced technologies such as data assimilation and machine learning / AI will be documented. The workshop will encourage an active discussion on relative merits of active development of physical models and parametrisations to address systematic errors versus bias correction methods. Please see the website for additional details on the topics of interest and format.

Announcements and due dates for the hybrid iCACGP-IGAC 2022 Conference!

We are getting closer to the hybrid iCACGP-IGAC 2022 hybrid conference, September 10-15 in Manchester, UK and virtually everywhere! A number of announcements and due dates are below. 

More conference information at the website here!
Conference Program and draft schedule here.
Submit Abstracts here (note: will need to sign into Oxford Abstracts) Abstracts are due May 31st!
Applications for scholarships to attend the conference open here
Registration is open here. Early Bird Registration closes 15 July 2022

An Early Career Short Course will take place September 8-10 2022. Applications for the Early Career Short Course here. Applications are due May 31st!
Note that travel funds to/from the short course venue and hotel and many food costs will be covered during the short course (evening of 7 September-10 September 2022). 

Nominate an early career scientist for the Paul J. Crutzen Award! More information here. Due 17 June 2022!

We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you again in person or virtually to discuss international global atmospheric chemistry! 

Climate Observation Conference: last days to submit abstracts – deadline 1st June!

GCOS Climate Observation Conference 17-19 October 2022, Darmstadt Germany

Last days to submit abstracts!

The 2nd GCOS Climate Observation Conference will gather experts of climate science, climate observations, technology innovation, data scientists, climate services, users of data information and funding agencies to discuss and develop pathways towards a fit-for-purpose climate observing system for 2050 and beyond.

The call for abstracts is open until 1 June. Six themes are proposed for the submissions and are the basis for the Conference sessions: 

  • Climate Observing Networks
  • Climate Extremes and Tipping points
  • Climate Observations to support Climate Policies
  • Climate Data Records
  • Data Processing and Management
  • The Global Climate Observing system in the future: GCOS 2050

Systematic climate observations are fundamental for understanding, predicting, mitigating and adapting to climate change,” says Sabrina Speich, the chair of the Conference Scientific Committee. “This need is increasing with the growing urgency for adaptation and mitigation measures. With this Conference we want to make progress towards a fully implemented and sustainable global observing system for climate applications.”

Registration is free of charge and virtual attendance will be possible. 

Please, help us spread the word and circulate this information to any interested person.  

Travel grants will be available for early career researchers coming from the Global South and presenting abstracts.  

We look forward to seeing you in Darmstadt in October 2022

WCRP Joint Scientific Committee Membership Call

WCRP is calling for (self-)nominations for membership of the World Climate Research Programme’s Joint Scientific Committee (JSC), for a four-year term from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2027.  

The JSC provides scientific guidance for all aspects of WCRP, aligned to its Strategic Plan 2019-2028 and with the overall aims and interests of its sponsoring organizations: the World Meteorological Organization, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, and the International Science Council. Further information about the JSC and its responsibilities can be found on the WCRP website.   

JSC members are selected for their scientific knowledge, capability, and strategic vision. The JSC is an inclusive source of leadership for international climate research and seeks nominations of excellent scientists with a proven track record from around the globe. We particularly encourage nominations from women and from those in the Global South. For the upcoming membership term, we are looking to replace several previous members and their expertise.  

Full information and the nomination form are available on the WCRP website:

The deadline for (self-)nominations is 31 May 2022

6th WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models, ECMWF, 31 OCT – 4 NOV 2022

We are pleased to announce the call for abstracts for the 6th WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models, ECMWF, Reading, 31 October to 4 November 2022. 

For more information see here.

Abstracts are due 31 May 2022.

The workshop brings together a wide range of experts on simulating the Earth System including atmosphere, ocean, waves, land-surface, atmospheric composition, cryosphere, and associated disciplines to advance the understanding of systematic simulation errors at all timescales. A particular emphasis is given to identifying errors in complex coupled systems and to understand their root causes. Progress in diagnosing and addressing systematic errors using a wide range of tools ranging from classical methods to advanced technologies such as data assimilation and machine learning / AI will be documented. The workshop will encourage an active discussion on relative merits of active development of physical models and parametrisations to address systematic errors versus bias correction methods. Please see the website for additional details on the topics of interest and format.

Early career researchers from selected countries will be able to enter a competition for best abstracts for oral presentations. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is pleased to offer funding for travel to ECMWF (UK) to the winners of the competition. Please see for details.