Category Archives: News

Tipping Points – from climate crisis to positive transformation

Registration deadline – 8th August

Late booking and final deadline – 21st August

Join us for a unique meeting that will:

  • Improve warnings of the imminent risks of catastrophic climate tipping points.
  • Accelerate positive tipping points to avert the climate crisis.

Work with world-leading experts to consider the latest science on climate tipping points and breaching planetary boundaries. Then explore the opportunities in triggering positive social tipping points. Interactive plenaries and action orientated workshops will create new networks of partners and resources for implementation after the conference.

Confirmed speakers include Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Tim Lenton, Director of Global Systems Institute, Kate Raworth, co-founder of Doughnut Economics Action Labs and Laura Pereira, University of the Witwatersrand.

Please have a look at the latest programme for further information on the speakers, workshops and plenaries. Participants will join a growing alliance of partners collaborating to develop the urgent solutions required to address the climate and ecological emergencies through a socially just transformation.

Upcoming deadline: AGU abstract submission due until 3 August 2022

AGU Fall Meeting 2022 will be held in Chicago and online everywhere 12 – 16 December 2022.

The abstract submission deadline is 3 August (23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT).
Abstracts can be submitted here.

A number of sessions related and/or of interest to the SPARC community have been organised for this year’s fall AGU meeting. The following is a non-exhaustive list:

A004 – Advances in understanding and modeling of the QBO and its impacts
Primary Convener: Jadwiga Richter (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
Conveners: James Anstey (Environment Canada), Yoshio Kawatani (JAMSTEC), Scott M Osprey (Oxford University)

A020 – Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms: Connecting Experiments, Theory, and Modeling
Primary Convener: Victoria P. Barber (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Conveners: Jessica Haskins (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Kelvin Hamilton Bates (Harvard University), Keith Tadao Kuwata (Macalester College)

A022 – Atmospheric Chemistry over the Tibetan Plateau: Measurement, Processing and the Impacts on Climate and Air Quality
Primary Convener: Chunxiang Ye (Peking University)
Conveners: Wei Nie (Nanjing University), Jicheng Gong (Peking University), Jianshu Wang (Peking University)

A024 – Atmospheric Gravity Waves, from the Surface to the Edge of Space
Primary Convener: Corwin Wright (University of Bath)
Conveners: Neil Hindley (University of Bath), Min-Jee Kang (Yonsei University), Tyler Mixa (University of Colorado Boulder)

A033 – Bridging the Gap from Climate to Extreme Weather: Observations, Theory, and Modeling
Primary Convener: Jane Wilson Baldwin (University of California Irvine)
Conveners: Gabriel J Kooperman (University of Georgia), Kevin Reed (Stony Brook University)

A035 – Cirrus in the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
Primary Convener: Peter N Blossey (University of Washington)
Conveners: Kara Lamb (Columbia University), Sylvia Sullivan (University of Arizona)

A042 – Constellation of Satellites for Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality
Primary Convener: Shobha Kondragunta (NOAA College Park)
Conveners: Diego G Loyola (German Aerospace Center (DLR)), Claus Zehner (European Space Research Institute), James F Gleason (NASA Goddard SFC)

A052 – Environmental sensor networks
Primary Convener: Misha Krassovski (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Convener: Jeffery S Riggs (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

A062 – Ground-Based Atmospheric Monitoring Networks
Primary Convener: Nicole P Hyslop (University of California Davis)
Conveners: Nicholas James Spada (University of California Davis), Jenny L Hand (Colorado State Univ), Dominique E Young (University of California Davis)

A054 – Extratropical and High-latitude Storms, Teleconnections, Extreme Events, and the Rapidly Changing Polar Climate
Primary Convener: Xiangdong Zhang (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
Conveners: Kent Moore (Univ Toronto), James E Overland (NOAA Seattle)

A055 – Extratropical Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Variability
Primary Convener: Paul J Kushner (University of Toronto)
Conveners: Pedram Hassanzadeh (Rice University), Aditi Sheshadri (Stanford University)

A059 – General Session: Atmospheric Chemistry & Composition
Primary Convener: Joost A de Gouw (University of Colorado)
Convener: Anne Thompson (NASA/GSFC)

A060 – General Session: Atmospheric Dynamics & Climate
Primary Convener: James W Hurrell (Colorado State University)
Conveners: L. Ruby Leung (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Cecilia M Bitz (University of Washington)

A061 – General Session: Atmospheric Physics, Radiation, Clouds, and Aerosols
Primary Convener: Rong Fu (University of California Los Angeles)
Conveners: V Ramaswamy (NOAA/OAR/ GFDL), Ralph Kahn (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

A064 – Improving Subseasonal to Seasonal Predictions Through ESMF-NUOPC Coupled Modeling
Primary Convener: Mark A Olsen (NOAA)
Conveners: Avichal Mehra (National Centers For Environmental Prediction-Environmental Modeling Center), Neil P Barton (US Naval Research Laboratory), Jessie Carmen (NOAA)

A065 – Jetstream Dynamics, Atmospheric Rossby waves and Associated Extreme Weather and Climate Events
Primary Convener: Rachel H White (University of British Columbia)
Conveners: Kai Kornhuber (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), Haiyan Teng (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

A074 – Monitoring and Modelling of F-Gases and Ozone Depleting Substances
Primary Convener: Luke Western (University of Bristol; NOAA)
Conveners: Megan Lickley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Marianna Katherine Linz (Harvard University), Piers Forster (University of Leeds)

A081 – Progress in Reanalysis: Development, Evaluation, and Application
Primary Convener: Jan Dominik Keller (Deutscher Wetterdienst)
Conveners: Masatomo Fujiwara (Hokkaido Univ), Michael G Bosilovich (Earth Sciences Division)
Student/Early Career Convener: Masatomo Fujiwara (Hokkaido Univ)

A087 – Stratospheric composition changes: observations and modeling of special events, feedback mechanisms, and long-term trends
Primary Convener: Natalya A Kramarova (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Conveners: Nathaniel J Livesey (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology), Irina V Petropavlovskikh (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences; NOAA Boulder, ESRL/GML)

A088 – Subseasonal to Seasonal Climate Prediction, Processes, and Applications
Primary Convener: Andrew William Robertson (Columbia University of New York)
Conveners: Johnna Infanti (Climate Prediction Center College Park), Kirsten J Mayer (Colorado State University), Frederic Vitart (ECMWF)
Student/Early Career Convener: Kirsten J Mayer (Colorado State University)

A090 – The Dynamics of the Large Scale Atmospheric Circulation in Present and Future Climates: Jet Streams, Storm Tracks, Stationary Waves, and Monsoons
Primary Convener: Lei Wang (Purdue University)
Conveners: Isla Simpson (National Center for Atmospheric Research), Gang Chen (University of California Los Angeles), Simona Bordoni (University of Trento)

GC038 – Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change: A World Climate Research Programme Call to Action. Coupling of Observations and Models; Integrated Attribution, Prediction and Projection; Assessment of Current and Future Hazards
Primary Convener: Kirsten Lynn Findell (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)
Conveners: Zhuo Wang (University of Illinois), Isla Simpson (National Center for Atmospheric Research), Haiyan Teng (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

OS007 – Earth System Reanalysis
Primary Convener: Detlef Stammer (University of Hamburg)
Convener: Iuliia Polkova (University of Hamburg)

SY016 – Perspectives on the 2022 UN Conference of Parties (COP) 27
Primary Convener: Julie A Vano (Aspen Global Change Institute)
Conveners: Alexandra Shultz (American Geophysical Union), Julie Brigham-Grette (Univ Massachusetts)

U019 – Climate Change & Climate Action Leadership in Illinois
Primary Convener: Trent Ford (Illinois State Water Survey)
Conveners: Ashish Sharma (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign), Donald J Wuebbles (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)

NG004 – Climate Variability Across Scales and Climate States
Primary Convener: Raphaël Hébert (Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Center for Polar and Marine Research Potsdam)
Conveners: Shaun Lovejoy (McGill Univ), Mara Young McPartland (University of Minnesota)
Student/Early Career Convener: Mara Young McPartland (University of Minnesota)

Vacancy Notice: Scientific officer

A new vacancy notice is available on e-recruitment for a new 2-year fixed term position as Scientific Officer at WMO (Atmospheric Environment Research (AER) Division) in Geneva, Switzerland. To find out more see here.

Closing date: 8 August 2022.

Announcement: COSPAR 2022 Awards

COSPAR is happy to announce the winners of its 2022 Awards, to be presented during the 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Athens, Greece. COSPAR bestows a number of medals and awards each year – some jointly with other institutions or space agencies – upon endorsed candidates of merit. Scientists who have made an outstanding contribution to space research and are working in any of the fields covered by COSPAR are eligible. The coveted COSPAR Awards are aimed at encouraging space science and exploration research and are an important step to achieve international cooperation in the field. This year’s nominees have come from a wide range of backgrounds and after careful consideration by the Awards Committee, Bureau, and partner organizations the following selection has
been made.

A complete list of citations and a brief description of COSPAR are included in the full press release. Previous citations for honors awarded at COSPAR Assemblies can be found online.

To be presented on 18 July during the 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
16 – 24 July 2022, Athens, Greece.

Plans for CORDEX downscalings of CMIP now available

The information on CORDEX CMIP6 simulation status is now available.

Regional simulations/downscalings of CMIP that are planned for each domain can be seen at

The simulations status is listed as:

  • Full list of simulations
  • Summary by domain
  • Summary by scenario
  • Summary by experiment

This simulation status platform will be a living site and evolve as simulations are completed, status changed or new simulation plans are added. For additions or updates, please give your input here.

Future Earth – Join Webinars Organized by the Global Secretariat Hub Taipei

Special Sessions for Early Career Researchers in Sustainability Science

When: 16:00-17:20 on 1 July (Taipei, UTC+8)
            10:00-11:00 on 15 July (Taipei, UTC+8)
            19:00-20:20 on 29 July 2022 (Taipei, UTC+8)

The Early Career Researchers (ECR) working group of Future Earth Taipei is now organizing a series of talks with other Future Earth Global Secretariat Hubs, and sharing the sustainability and climate change research outcomes produced by ECRs. The next collaborative talk will be organized with the France Hub from 16:00-17:20 on 1 July 2022 (UTC+8), focused on the carbon issues. Another talk series on climate change and mitigation and justice will be held from 10:00-11:00 on 15 July (UTC+8). In addition, the Taipei Hub will collaborate with the Canada Hub for the first time to organize a joint talk on digital sustainability from 19:00-20:20 on 29 July (UTC+8). Find the links for registration here for the upcoming ECR talks series, join the conversation, and look for opportunities for collaboration!

Webinar Series on Global Sustainability: Navigating DRR Solutions for Securing Resilient Futures – Spotlight on Floods

When: 16:00-17:00 on 4 July 2022 (Taipei, UTC+8)

Organized by the Risk Working Group of Future Earth Taipei and the Global Secretariat Hub Taipei, this innovative webinar will be held from 16:00-17:00 on 4 July 2022 (UTC+8) by engaging various stakeholders in the discussions to learn about United Nations University‘s large-scale research project, Climate Resilience Initiative. This webinar aims to engage the audience and exchange personal experiences and observations in the discussion. Find more information here.

Metrology for climate actions call for abstracts – 26 to 30 September

The online workshop between the 26 – 30 September, hosted by BIPM and WMO, is open to experts and stakeholders active in the fields of climate science, observations, GHG mitigation and measurement, modeling and measurement science willing to contribute to the development of recommendations on key technical challenge areas for metrology in these fields.

The meeting is being held virtually. Call for presentations and posters for the workshop is now open. The abstract submission deadline is June 30th.

For more information please wisit the event website.

News from the S-RIP activity

(1) New S-RIP dataset “RID”

Patrick Martineau has prepared a new reanalysis intercomparison dataset (RID) for S-RIP Phase 2. This is an extended version of the dynamical part of Martineau et al. (2018,

See more information in this PDF here or find the same information here.

(2) Updated version of “ERA5 back extension (*1959* -1978)” now available

Updated version of “ERA5 back extension (*1959* -1978)” becomes available. (A further extension from 1940 to 1958 is currently in production.)

For the details, see this website and for data access, see this website.