Goal: CliC grants aim at increasing the engagement of Early Career Scientists in CliC. The project strives for gender balance and geographical diversity so submissions from regions currently under represented in CliC, such as Asia and Africa, are particularly encouraged.
Objectives: Applications shall target CliC´s vision and mission as described in the Strategic Plan 2022-2031, as well as to address one or more of its five strategic areas, as follows:
Engagement of a broad and diverse community in cryosphere research
Cryosphere ice loss- assessment and impacts
Projection of future ice loss and impacts
System description of the cryosphere regions
Knowledge syntheses and communication to stakeholders
Timeline: Activities must be completed within one year after the project´s acceptance unless otherwise outlined in the proposal.
Who can apply:
Early Career Scientist: students enrolled in a PhD programme and scientists who have obtained a PhD within 7 years by 1 March 2023. The period excludes career breaks due to parental leave, health issues, etc.
For research visits: the visiting institution must differ from the applicant´s country of origin and current country of residence.
Submission deadline: 1 March 2023 at 23:59 /11:59 pm UTC
The workshop will consist of invited and submitted scientific talks and posters, plus open discussion in both plenary and smaller groups. It will also be an opportunity to present and discuss first results from new QBOi experiments on sensitivities to ENSO and QBO biases (QBOi nudging experiments).
Confirmed invited speakers: Ewa Bednarz, Martina Bramberger, Mohamadou Diallo, Rolando Garcia, Marco Giorgetta, Peter Hitchcock, Kaoru Sato, Adam Scaife, Seok-Woo Son
The workshop is organised by the QBOi (Quasi-Biennial Oscillation initiative) SPARC activity in conjunction with the CCMI (Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative) and GW (Gravity Wave) SPARC activities.
You can register to the event, here (google docs).
The event will showcase a variety of clean air-focused organizations and initiatives working in non-profit, academic, and for-profit settings. You can learn about their missions and resources and opportunities they offer to the research community, and what they might need from researchers. And there will be plenty of time to network with the larger community passionate about working toward cleaner air. There will be complimentary appetizers and drinks.
The 28th IUGG General Assembly will be held 11-20 July 2023 at the Messe Berlin – City Cube, Berlin, Germany. This is a special opportunity for participants from around the world to come together and share their science and culture. Join us for a host of scientific activities, including special public lectures, keynote Union lectures and a wide variety of themed sessions.
One of those sessions will focus ont eh middle atmosphere; organised by Bernd Funke (Spain), and Natalia Calvo (Spain). Details can be found here.
Abstract & Travel grant submission deadline : February 14th, 2023.
Join the first session of this 4-part webinar series to share perspectives and approaches to do climate science, communication, and risk management, taking place on 8 November, 01:00-02:30 UTC.
Host Organizations: Nanyang Technical University and the Office for Space Technology and Industry, Singapore
Abstract Deadline: 31 December 2022
Space Science with Small Satellites
Space Debris Monitoring and Mitigation Using Small Satellites
Earth Observation and Environment Monitoring from Small Satellites
Deep-Space Science and Exploration with Miniaturized Systems
Capacity Building with Small Satellites – a COSPAR-INSPIRE Long Term Plan
Enabling Technologies from Small Satellites
Microsatellites for Space Weather and Radio Astronomy
Establishing a Constellation of Small Satellites
Selected papers published in Advances in Space Research and Life Sciences in Space Research, fully refereed journals with no deadlines open to all submissions in relevant fields.
45th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events “COSPAR 2024”
Date: 13 – 21 July 2024 Place: Busan, South Korea Contact: COSPAR Secretariat
Host Organizations: Ministry of Science and ICT, Korean National Committee for COSPAR
Organizers: Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), The Korean Space Science Society
Abstract Deadline: mid-February 2024
Topics: Approximately 140 meetings covering the fields of COSPAR Scientific Commissions (SC), Panels, and Task Groups:
SC A: The Earth’s Surface, Meteorology and Climate
SC B: The Earth-Moon System, Planets, and Small Bodies of the Solar System
SC C: The Upper Atmospheres of the Earth and Planets Including Reference Atmospheres
SC D: Space Plasmas in the Solar System, Including Planetary Magnetospheres
SC E: Research in Astrophysics from Space
SC F: Life Sciences as Related to Space
SC G: Materials Sciences in Space
SC H: Fundamental Physics in Space
Panel on Satellite Dynamics (PSD)
Panel on Scientific Ballooning (PSB)
Panel on Potentially Environmentally Detrimental Activities in Space (PEDAS)
Panel on Radiation Belt Environment Modelling (PRBEM)
Panel on Space Weather (PSW)
Panel on Planetary Protection (PPP)
Panel on Capacity Building (PCB)
Panel on Education (PE)
Panel on Exploration (PEX)
Panel on Interstellar Research (PIR)
Panel on Innovative Solutions (PoIS)
Panel on Social Sciences and the Humanities (PSSH)
Task Group on Establishing a Constellation of Small Satellites (TGCSS)
Task Group on Establishing an International Geospace Systems Program (TGIGSP)
IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility) Initiative Task Group (IITG)
Selected papers published in Advances in Space Research and Life Sciences in Space Research, fully refereed journals with no deadlines open to all submissions in relevant fields.