Category Archives: News

IGAC News: March 2012

The latest issue of IGAC News contains a report of the Scientific Steering Committee meeting held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 3-5 October 2012, at which IGAC developed its vision in response to the Future Earth Initiative.

Find IGAC newsletter.

Planet under Pressure: Conference Declaration

The Planet under Pressure Conference, held on 26-29 March 2012 in London, UK, was jointly organised by the Global Research Programmes including WCRP.

The Conference Declaration summarizes present day challenges and proposes solutions to address these challenges such as the creation of a new contract between science and society:

"Research plays a significant role in monitoring change, determining thresholds, developing new technologies and processes, and providing solutions. The international global-change research community proposes a new contract between science and society in recognition that science must inform policy to make more wise and timely decisions and that innovation should be informed by diverse local needs and conditions."

Find Planet under Pressure Conference Declaration.

SPARC in the Media: Climate group chooses Zurich as new home

In the past 20 years our understanding of how the climate works has improved significantly. That’s due in no small part to an international project known as SPARC, which coordinates research worldwide on the stratosphere.

SPARC has just relocated its coordination centre from Toronto in Canada to Zurich. World Radio Switzerland spoke to the scientists who have gathered in Zurich to celebrate the move and SPARC’s 20th anniversary.

Listen to World Radio Switzerland

SPARC Office for research coordination now at ETH Zurich

The international project for atmospheric and climate research SPARC (Stratospheric Processes And their Role in Climate) relocated its coordination centre from Canada to Switzerland. On 7 February 2012, SPARC celebrates the inauguration of its new office at ETH Zurich and its 20th anniversary.

Former Co-chairs, Office directors and administrative staff including the WCRP Director Dr. Asrar celebrated SPARC’s 20th anniversary in Zurich.

Find Media Release.

Find 20-year anniversary brochure.