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Category Archives: News
Reminder: registration deadline for S-RIP Planning Meeting on 20 February
(revised) First Announcement of the S-RIP Planning Meeting April 29 – May 1, 2013 Met Office, Exeter, UK
Information provided by Masatomo Fujiwara, David Jackson, and S-RIP Working Group:
Dear colleagues,
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the SPARC Reanalysis/analysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) Planning Meeting in Exeter, UK during April 29-May 1, 2013.
A temporary website for the S-RIP is found at:
The meeting webpage is found at:
Scientific objective and scope of the meeting:
The first S-RIP Planning Meeting shall be held at the Met Office in Exeter (UK) on April 29 to May 1, 2013. The aim of the S-RIP is to create a review report on the reanalysis intercomparison within the next 4-5 years as one of the SPARC report series. Thus the goal of the Planning Meeting is for S-RIP Working Group members, representatives from the reanalysis centres, and key SPARC researchers to discuss key processes and diagnostics for the reanalysis intercomparison that are relevant for SPARC-related middle atmosphere science. Furthermore, the chapter titles and leads will be determined at the Planning Meeting.
Specific aims of the meeting:
- To finalize the report outline/chapters including chapter lead names and initial list of contributors. (The Working Group has prepared a draft structure of the final S-RIP report. At the meeting, each chapter will be given a 1 hour time slot, and the diagnostics list and observational data for validation are presented by the chapter co-leads and discussed by the participants.)
- To define the general guidelines and protocols, and the specific diagnostics used in each chapter.
- To define the timetable of the project.
Important Additional Information:
Oral presentations are by invitation only. In addition, we welcome contributed poster presentations. The structure of the meeting is such that all participants are expected to assist the S-RIP Working Group in agreeing the structure of the report to result from the project, and in volunteering to lead (or to make major contributions to) the writing of the report. The meeting is open to all, but since space is limited all participants must register. To do this, please send the following information to
1: Name
2: Email address
3: Affiliation
4: Title
and short abstract (if you are submitting a poster)) by *** 20 February 2013 ***.
Information on travelling to the Met Office is found at the meeting webpage. In addition, a block booking of hotel accommodation in Exeter may be made. Further information on this will be available soon.
Abstract submission opens on 1 April: SPARC General Assembly 2014
Reminder: Abstract submission for WCRP Regional Workshop, Kyoto, closes on 20 February
The WCRP Regional Workshop on Stratosphere-Troposphere Processes and their Role in Climate will be held 01-02 April 2013 in Tokyo, Japan.
Find information on the WCRP Regional Workshop; find more SPARC meetings.
MEaSUREs GOZCARDS data now available
The NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Center is pleased to announce the initial release of data products from the Global Ozone Chemistry and Related Trace Gas Data Records for the Stratosphere (GOZCARDS) project.
Find more information.
Reminder: Abstract submission for DACA-2013, Davos, closes on 31 January
This is an invitation to submit abstracts for the symposiums B7 on Changing Chemistry and Biogeochemistry in a Changing Climate (conveners: John P. Burrows, Maria Kanakidou, Laura Gallardo, Frank Dentener) and A2 on Coupling Processes in Weather and Climate (convener: Shigeon Yoden). The Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13 will be held on 8-12 July 2013 in Davos, Switzerland.
Find information on symposium B7; find information on DACA-13; find more SPARC-related meetings.
Reminder: Application for the MACC-II summer school closes on 31 January
The summer school of the Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC) project will focus on Modeling and Forecasting Atmospheric Composition at Different Scales. The school will take place on 09-16 June 2013 in Anglet, France.
Find information on the MACC-II Summer school; find more SPARC-related meetings.
Reminder: Abstract submission for ITM Air Pollution Modelling, Miami, closes on 31 January
Find information on the 33rd International Technical Meeting (ITM) on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application in Miami, Florida, USA, to be held 26-30 August 2013; find more SPARC-related meetings.
Draft available: WCRP Grand Challenges
The WCRP Grand Science Challenges represent major areas of scientific research, modelling, analysis and observations for WCRP and its affiliate projects in the ensuing decade.
2013 SCOPE-CM Call for Letters of Intent
The Executive Panel of SCOPE-CM is calling for letters of intent for SCOPE-CM (SCM) projects aiming at advancing the maturity of Climate Data REcords constructed from satellite data.
SCOPE-CM (“Sustained and coordinated processing of Environmental Satellite data for Climate Monitoring”) is a network of agencies and operators of environmental satellite systems and interfaces with WMO, WCRP, GCOS, CEOS and GEO. It offers its support to coordinate and facilitiate activities related to Climate Data Records constructed from multi-agency satellite data. Rather then supporting specific projects financially, SCOPE-CM provides coordination and the interaction into the participating agencies own programmes and activities.
If you need further information on SCOPE-CM and the 2013 call for proposals please contact the SCOPE-CM Secretariat: Lothar Schüller, SCOPE-CM Secretariat, EUMETSAT, . The call closes on 31 January 2013.