Category Archives: News

Announcement: WCRP Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change Lighthouse Webinar

The WCRP Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change Lighthouse Activity invites you to join the third webinar of the series that will provide a discussion forum on topics focused on predicting and explaining a range of different climate phenomena and events, while supporting the further development of a scientific agenda. 

This third webinar will focus on global and regional changes in drought and aspects related to a changing climate.


  • Aiguo Dai (University at Albany, USA): Drought Under Global Warming
  • Alessandra Giannini (Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique/IPSL, France; and IRI, USA): Attribution of climate change: the case of late 20th century Sahel drought
  • Juan Rivera (CCT Mendoza, CONICET, Argentina): Mechanisms behind the recent unprecedented drying along the Central Andes of Argentina

The event will take place on 15th February 2023, from 15:00hs to 16:30hs UTC. Speakers will give a 20-minute talk each followed by a round table discussion, with questions from participants. 

Registrations are free and can be done via

Call for proposals: ISSI International Team Projects

The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern and ISSI in Beijing invite scientists to submit proposals for International Team projects. International Teams are small groups of 8 – 12 scientists involved in space science research, working together on data analysis, theory, and models. The call is open to all scientists, regardless of nationality or institutional affiliation, who are actively involved in any of the following research fields:

  1. Space Sciences: Astrobiology, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Fundamental Physics in Space, Magnetospheric and Space Plasma Physics, Planetary Sciences, Solar and Heliospheric Physics, and Solar-Terrestrial Sciences.
  2. Earth Sciences using space data. This includes understanding and modelling Earth system processes, as well as climate change projections.

Successful Teams will visit ISSI and/or ISSI-BJ for two (maximum three) one-week meetings, and it is envisioned that the activities of the Team should lead to peer-reviewed publications. The full details of the requirements and the support provided can be found on the ISSI website. Proposals must be submitted by 16 March 2023.

Find call online

SPARC Science update: 24 January – 30 January

A selection of new science articles from the past week of interest to the SPARC community (a SPARC Office choice).

Aerosol Effects on Clear-Sky Shortwave Heating in the Asian Monsoon Tropopause Layer. By J. Gao, Y. Huang, Y. Peng, and J.S. Wright in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Monitoring sudden stratospheric warmings under climate change since 1980 based on reanalysis data verified by radio occultation. By Y. Li, G. Kirchengast, M. Schwaerz, and Y. Yuan in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Impact of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection on the East Asian Winter Monsoon. By Z. Liu, X. Lang, J. Miao, and D. Jiang in the Geophysical Research Letters.

Discussion papers – open for comment:

A simple model to assess the impact of gravity waves on ice crystal populations in the tropical tropopause layer. By M. Corcos, A. Hertzog, R. Plougonven, and A. Podglajen in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Improved representation of volcanic sulfur dioxide depletion in Lagrangian transport simulations: a case study with MPTRAC v2.4. By M. Liu et al. in the EGUsphere.

CFC-11 emissions are declining as expected in Western Europe. By A.L. Redington et al. in the EGUsphere.

New SPARC activity on Hunga-Tonga stratospheric impacts

The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haʻapai (HTHH)eruption in 2022 was the most explosive volcanic eruption in the satellite era, and the water-rich plume presents an opportunity to understand the impacts on the stratosphere of a large magnitude explosive phreatic eruption. The wide range of satellite observations of the early stratospheric plume and its dispersion to mid-latitudes will provide measurements to evaluate a range of models for their capabilities to represent stratospheric chemistry, aerosol and dynamics, in this case where both water vapour and aerosol are causing stratospheric ozone and radiative effects.

There are numerous HTHH eruption observational and modeling studies that have been published, preprints of submitted papers, and new research in early stages. As the plume continues to evolve and its impacts emerge, additional papers will be published. Because of the number and broad range of studies of the HTHH emissions and impacts, an international effort is required to provide a synthesis of studies in the published literature for the broader community and to coordinate multi-model assessments.

To do so, SPARC is welcoming a new Limited-Term Cross-Activity Focused Project in its portfolio of activities:

The new “Hunga-Tonga stratospheric impacts” SPARC activity, convening a team to co-ordinate and then write a special Hunga-Tonga impacts report, for publication in late-2025.

The report will directly feed into the upcoming 2026 UNEP/WMO Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion report, providing a benchmark synthesis of the impacts from the eruption. The HTHH SPARC activity will include defining a set of coordinated multi-model experiments for the report, coordinating with a number of existing community modelling activities to define potential modelling contributions to each chapter of the report (see outline structure). The report’s chapters will present consensus findings across both observational and modeling activities spanning a range of timescales, and provide knowledge for policy makers.

The activity is lead by Paul A. Newman, Bill Randel, Graham Mann and Yunqian Zhu.

Upcoming deadlines: 20th GEIA Conference & IGAC AMIGO (Analysis of eMIssions usinG Observations) Project

The 20th GEIA (Global Emissions Initiative) Conference  “Towards mitigating air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions” will take place in Brussels, Belgium on June 21-23. Details and abstract submissions are available at:

Abstract deadline extended until 1 February 2023. 

The AMIGO (Analysis of eMIssions usinG Observations) Project is organizing a workshop on “Atmospheric chemistry
modeling, data assimilation, inverse modeling, and model evaluation” before the GEIA conference, on June 19-20, also in Brussels. The number of attendees will be limited to about 25 early career scientists. Applications due 27 January 2023, information at

Open Call for Membership of the CliC Scientific Steering Group

Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate

The WCRP Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Core project is launching an open call for nominations to its Scientific Steering Group (SSG).

CliC is a global community of researchers with expertise and knowledge of the cryosphere and its interactions with the climate system. CliC expertise spans simulation modelling, field observations, process studies and cross-cutting issues with other disciplines and stakeholders. CliC identifies key research questions, priorities, gaps and challenges pertaining to the cryosphere and its interaction with the global climate system, and coordinates international activities to promote activities that address these matters. The SSG is the governing body of CliC and has the overall responsibility for planning and implementing of the project´s Strategy Plan 2022-2031. CliC vision for the next decade is to achieve a system understanding of the global and regional cryosphere that includes the physical climate, ecosystems and inhabitants of cryosphere regions, as well as the cryosphere connections and feedbacks to climate and society.

We seek nominations (including self-nominations) from scientists active in cryosphere-related research, both in the natural and social sciences, including those studying the interaction of ecosystems, fisheries and communities with the one or more cryosphere components.  

Please direct inquiries about the call and selection process to CliC co-chairs Amy Lovecraft () and Edward Hanna ()

Upcoming webinar: Climate Tipping Points: how to tip society, not the planet

We invite you to join us for our upcoming discussion on Climate Tipping Points: how to tip society, not the planet, taking place on 26 January 2023, 15:00 – 16:30 CET.

This webinar is part of the Tipping Points Discussion Series organized by AIMES, the Earth Commission, the WCRP Safe Landing Climates Lighthouse Activity, and partners. The series aims to advance knowledge of tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt changes in the Earth system – both in natural and social systems. Our two outstanding speakers are:

  • David Armstrong McKay (University of Exeter): Climate tipping points: how close are they, and what can we do about them?
  • Lloyd Pinnell (Systemiq): Socio-economic tipping points to drive accelerated adoption of climate solutions – what we know and what we don’t know

The talks will be followed by a discussion moderated by Ruth Townend (Chatham House).

All information and the link to register are available on our website:

Tipping Point Overview Image

Open call for ESMO Scientific Steering Group membership

The WCRP Earth System Modelling and Observations (ESMO) Core Project coordinates, advances, and facilitates all modelling, data assimilation and observational activities within WCRP, working jointly with all other WCRP projects and providing strategic connections to related external programs. It follows a seamless and value chain approach across all Earth system components, disciplines, and scales. The modelling and observational activities under ESMO are central to the provision of science-based climate information to support adaptation planning and decision-making, local and regional climate impact assessments, and national and international mitigation and adaptation policies. ESMO was officially launched by the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee in November 2020.

This call invites the community to nominate candidates (including self-nomination) to become members of the ESMO Scientific Steering Group (SSG).

Involvement in the ESMO SSG brings a range of benefits for participants.  As SSG member you will be involved in the core of the international science community that brings together climate modelling and climate observations, with opportunities that include:

  • Personal career development through exposure to frontier research activities and exchange with the world’s leading climate modelling and observational scientists within WCRP and experts from external programs.
  • Develop and participate in collaborations on climate modelling and observational research.
  • Ensuring WCRP climate modelling and observations activities include expertise and ideas from all research areas within WCRP.
  • Developing and expanding your network of scientific collaborators within the international research community.
  • Having a voice to help strategic planning of WCRP activities at the frontiers of climate modelling and observations.
  • Provide input to coordinated activities on exploiting new and emerging technologies including machine learning, new observing platforms and citizen science contributions.
  • Contributing to the professional development of the next generation of scientists and scholars.

Full details of the ESMO science plan are available on the ESMO website or in this WCRP post.

How to apply

If you are interested in joining the SSG, please submit your application via the online form by 10 March 2023. Self-nominations are welcomed. Please circulate and distribute this call among your communities and networks.

Please direct inquiries about the nomination and selection process to Nico Caltabiano () at the WCRP Secretariat.

SPARC Science update: 17 January – 23 January

A selection of new science articles from the past week of interest to the SPARC community (a SPARC Office choice).

Observed changes in stratospheric circulation: decreasing lifetime of N2O, 2005–2021. By M.J. Prather, L. Froidevaux.2, and N.J. Livesey inAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Research on the unusual spring 2020 Arctic stratospheric ozone depletion above Ny-Ålesund, Norway. By Q. Li et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Interactive stratospheric aerosol models’ response to different amounts and altitudes of SO2 injection during the 1991 Pinatubo eruption. By I. Quaglia et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Reconstructing volcanic radiative forcing since 1990, using a comprehensive emission inventory and spatially resolved sulfur injections from satellite data in a chemistry-climate model. By J. Schallock et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

A history of the 1.5°C target. By B. Cointe and H. Guillemot in WIREs Climate Change.