Category Archives: News

Invitation to review and comment on initial design for CMIP6

Climate modelers and scientists from around the world are invited to help improve the next generation of Coupled Model Intercomparisons and submit their comments before 15 September 2014.

Since 1995, the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) has coordinated climate model experiments involving multiple international modeling teams. Through CMIP, climate modelers and scientists from around the world have analyzed and compared state-of-the-art climate model simulations to gain insights into the processes, mechanisms, and consequences of climate variability and climate change. This has led to a better understanding of past, present, and future climate, and CMIP model experiments have routinely been the basis for future climate change assessments made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

An initial design for CMIP6 has now been developed (Meehl et al., EOS, 2014) that is open for comments from the community until 15 September 2014. This includes a small set of experiments to be routinely performed by modeling groups whenever they develop a new model version. The output from these so-called ongoing CMIP Diagnostic, Evaluation and Characterization of Klima (DECK) experiments will be distributed for community use via the ESGF infrastructure. Other Model Intercomparison Projects (MIPs) will build on the CMIP DECK experiments and augment them to address a broad range of scientific questions. Additionally proposed MIP experiments together with the CMIP DECK experiments will constitute the suite of simulations for the next phase of CMIP.

MIPs are now invited to request endorsement for the next phase of CMIP (i.e., CMIP6). A CMIP6-Endorsed MIP may propose that a subset or even all of their experiments be included as part of the suite of simulations constituting CMIP6, see further information in the template for these applications which is available on the CMIP Panel website. This website also lists the current active MIPs under ‘Catalogue of MIPs’. The co-chairs of these MIPs have been informed by the CMIP Panel and WGCM co-chairs that the application for CMIP6-Endorsed MIPs is now open.

Climate Symposium 2014: Apply for travel support before 31 March

The Climate Symposium 2014 will take place in Darmstadt, Germany, 13-17 October. This large conference focusses on climate information for decision making and is organised by the World Climate Research Programme and Eumetsat.

Important dates:

31 March – Deadline to submit application for travel support

15 April – Deadline to submit abstracts

15 May – Early registration deadline

Find website.

Science Update: A non-hydrostatic model study of downward coupling during a stratospheric sudden warming

In a new ACPD article, N. Eguchi et al. use the NICAM global non-hydrostatic model to investigate the dynamical coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) during a stratospheric sudden warming (SSW) in boreal winter. The model reproduced the observed tropical tropospheric changes well, including the enhancement of convective activity following the amplification of planetary waves. They found that deep convective activity was enhanced from 10-20°S and although this upwelling in the TTL was correlated with that occurring in the stratosphere, the TTL temperature tendency was controlled mainly by diabatic heating originating from cloud formation. This suggests that the stratospheric meridional circulation affects cloud formation in the TTL. The full abstract can be found here.

Science Update: The stratospheric ozone diurnal cycle: global, regional, and seasonal variability simulated by WACCM

In a new ACPD paper, A. Schanz and co-authors use the WACCM model to study the diurnal ozone cycle in the stratosphere, exploring its underlying photochemical and dynamical processes. The analysis is focused on the middle stratosphere at 5hPa where the simulated ozone diurnal cycle shows a minimum after sunrise and maximum in the late afternoon. They find that this diurnal cycle varies seasonally and spatially, with a maximum amplitude of 15% (0.8ppmv) occurring at the polar circle in summer. They show that the global pattern of the diurnal ozone cycle is governed by the solar zenith angle and sunshine duration. They also find that the synoptic scale variability of the diurnal ozone cycle is often anti-correlated with regional temperature anomalies due to the temperature dependence of the Chapman cycle reactions. Furthermore, at high latitudes increased westerly (easterly) winds cause a decrease (increase) in the sunshine duration of an air parcel leading to a weaker (stronger) diurnal ozone cycle. The full abstract can be found here.

SPARC newsletter No. 42 – January 2014

The January 2014 issue of the SPARC newsletter No. 42 is now available with articles on the following topics:

  • Report on the 34th Session of the Joint Scientific Committee of the World Climate Research Programme
  • The SPARC Activity "Lifetime of halogen source gases"
  • IUPAC Task Group on Atmospheric Chemical Kinetic Data Evaluation
  • Report on the IGAC/SPOARC Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) 2013 Science Workshop
  • Workshop on Research Applications of High Resolution Radiosonde Data
  • Report on the 7th Atmospheric Limb Conference
  • Report on the Atmospheric Composition and the summer Asian Monsoon (ACAM) Workshop
  • 5th SPARC General Assembly: A brief look back

CLIVAR Bulletin February 2014

Find CLIVAR Bulletin February 2014 with the following content:

1. CLIVAR News and Announcements
1.1 Open call for new CLIVAR members
1.2 CLIVAR Town Hall at Ocean Sciences 2014
1.3 CLIVAR Exchanges 64 is now available online

2. Other News and Announcements
2.1 Third International Symposium on "Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans"
2.2 POGO Visiting Fellowship for training on-board an Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) cruise in 2014

3. Early Career Scientists
3.1 Spotlight on a Researcher

4. Meetings and Workshops
4.1 IMBER ClimEco4 Summer School

5.Upcoming events
5.1 Calendar