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SPARC Science Update: 28 January – 3 February

A selection of new science articles from the past week of interest to the SPARC community (a SPARC Office choice).

Observed connections of Arctic stratospheric ozone extremes to Northern Hemisphere surface climate. By D.J. Ivy et al. in Environmental Research Letters.

Climate research must sharpen its view. By J. Marotzke et al. in Nature Climate Change.

Broad Spectrum Mountain Waves. By R.B. Smith and C.G. Kruse in the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences.

Halogen chemistry reduces tropospheric O3 radiative forcing. By T. Sherwen et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Introduction to the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) and overview of the reanalysis systems. By M. Fujiwara et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Time-varying changes in the simulated structure of the Brewer–Dobson Circulation. By C.I. Garfinkel et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Impact of biogenic very short-lived bromine on the Antarctic ozone hole during the 21st century. By R.P. Fernandez et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Discussion papers – open for comment

Lidar ratios of stratospheric volcanic ash and sulfate aerosols retrieved from CALIOP measurements. By A.T. Prata et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions.

MIPAS IMK/IAA Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) Retrieval. By E. Eckert et al. in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions.

Opportunity for young scientists: YESS community on its future vision

By Gaby Langendijk1 and Carla Gulizia2

1World Meteorological Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland (
2Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) community brings together young researchers from a range of scientific backgrounds, including both natural and social sciences. The YESS community unifies early career researchers (ECR) in an influential network giving young researchers a collective voice and leverage, while supporting career development.

Over the past year YESS has been extremely active in many ways. The community has grown extensively across the globe and carried out its first elections for Regional Representatives and the Executive Committee. YESS recently published a white paper in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, outlining our vision of the future of Earth System Science, focused on four ‘Frontiers’: seamless Earth system prediction, communication, user-driven science, and interdisciplinarity. The paper also identifies what is required to tackle these major scientific challenges from an ECR perspective. The Argentinean National Weather Service is officially supporting YESS through the establishment of a part-time YESS Officer position to assist in the day-to-day running of YESS.

Periodic webinars have been offered by YESS, whereby expert researchers share their knowledge of particular Earth system science topics. Furthermore, YESS also coordinates Council Webinars, where Council members present their own science, to promote exchange within the community.

YESS has also been present at several international conferences and research institutions around the world, organizing side events for ECR. For example, YESS helped to organize the Early Career Scientists Symposium at the CLIVAR Open Science Conference, held in Qingdao, China, in September 2016.

In the coming year YESS will continue its outreach efforts to grow and serve the community, including activities at international conferences such as EGU, AGU, IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA, etc., as well as seeking more opportunities for ECR to become more involved in various working groups, committees, and panels.

If you are a Masters or PhD student, or you are a postdoc within ~5 years of your PhD and are interested in joining the YESS community, email us at . You can also follow YESS on:

– Facebook:

– Twitter:

– LinkedIn:

First Announcement: GOTHAM International Summer School in Potsdam, Germany – 18-22 September 2017

Organized by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), the GOTHAM Summer School on “Global Teleconnections in the Earth’s Climate System – Processes, Modelling and Advanced Analysis Methods” will train young scientists on a unique combination of interdisciplinary scientific topics and tools relevant for understanding teleconnections and their role in causing extreme weather events.

The school comprises lectures as well as tutorial sessions by some of the world’s leading experts in this field.

Specific topics include:

  • Global consequences of extreme El Niños.
  • Mid-latitude weather extremes and the role of tropical, extratropical and arctic drivers.
  • Stratosphere dynamics and stratosphere-troposphere interactions.
  • Internal variability and external drivers of South and East Asian monsoon systems.
  • Interactions between global teleconnection patterns.
  • Data management skills and the use of citizen science platforms ( of teleconnections using complex systems or network methods.


The Summer School is intended to host 25 young researchers working in relevant topical areas, both from GOTHAM partners and external institutes.

Registration is free-of-charge and accommodation expenses will be covered for all attendees.

Limited funding is available to cover travel expenses of a few selected students.
Application processes to be announced soon at the official website of the Summer School:


Reik V. Donner, Dim Coumou, Efi Rousi (contact person:, Chiranjit Mitra

Announcement of Middle Atmosphere Symposium

Abstract (oral and poster presentations) deadline: 12 March 2017

The Middle Atmosphere Symposium (ICMA / IAMAS M12) will take place within the IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA General Assembly “Good Hope for Earth Sciences”.

27 August – 1 September 2017, Cape Town, South Africa.

We anticipate the MA Symposium to bring together our vibrant community
working on the dynamics, radiation and chemistry of the middle atmosphere.

The M12 Symposium will focus on:

  • Gravity waves: their generation, propagation and breaking
  • Intraseasonal, interannual and longer timescale dynamical variability
  • Middle atmosphere response to anthropogenic and natural forcings
  • Stratospheric/mesospheric chemistry and ozone
  • Radiation, microphysics, chemistry and dynamics at the tropopause
  • Transport and mixing in multiple spatial scales
  • Tropical / extratropical dynamical interactions
  • Mechanisms of stratosphere-troposphere coupling, at all time scales

Invited speakers:

Marta Abalos, Joan Alexander, Mark Baldwin, Greg
Bodeker, Andreas Dörnbrack, David Ferreira, Nili Harnik, Peter
Hitchcock, Bodil Karlson, Alexey Karpechko, Katja Matthes, Thando
Ndarana, Kaoru Sato

For further information:

Welcoming papers: JGR joint space weather and atmospheres special issue

Organised by the Antarctic Gravity Wave Instrument Network-ANGWIN, the special issue welcomes papers that deal with the theory, modelling and observations of gravity wave activity in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, at any altitude in the Earth’s atmosphere or ionosphere. Submissions are open until 28 April 2017.

If you have any questions please contact Dr Tracy Moffat-Griffin.

Submissions can be made using the link below or searching in the special issue sections on each journals website:

First Announcement: SPARC/IGAC CCMI Science Workshop 2017 in Toulouse, France – 13-15 June 2017

Abstract submission deadline: 15 Mar 2017
Travel grant application deadline: 15 Feb 2017

The fifth Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) Science Workshop will be held in Toulouse at Centre International de Conférences of Météo-France, 13-15 June 2017.

The main focus of the workshop will be on the most recent analyses of CCMI phase-1 simulations, which are centered on understanding trends and interannual variability of tropospheric and stratospheric composition over the past and into the future, and how the composition interacts with changes in the physical climate. Specific topics of the workshop include:

  • Identifying natural and anthropogenic drivers of past and future composition changes and their implications for climate, air quality, and the ozone layer;
  • Evaluating model ability to simulate past and predict future composition changes;
  • Augmenting the use of ground-based, balloon, aircraft and satellite observations for process-oriented model evaluation;
  • Investigating novel ways to use observations and models to constrain Earth-system processes;
  • Analyzing stratosphere-troposphere coupling, also its impact on the ocean;
  • Understanding the causes of inter-model differences;
  • Linking model performance to future projections.

Find more information and register at