Join the 6th SPARC General Assembly from 1st to 5th October 2018 in Kyoto, Japan!
Abstract submission is already open. (Abstract submission deadline: 1 April 2018) Sumit your abstract here.
Awards will be made to the best presentations by Early Career Scientists (ECS) in each of the six science themes of the conference.
For Early Career Scientists we offer a limited amount of travel support, for which you can apply separately. (Travel support request deadline: 15 March 2018)
Early-bird registration will open on 15 April 2018.
Already confirmed keynote speakers (we are still waiting for more positive replies):
Amy Butler (NOAA, USA)
Rob Carver (Google)
Nathaniel Livesey (NASA, USA)
Hisashi Nakamura (University of Tokyo, Japan) Clara Orbe (NASA, USA)
Lorenzo Polvani (Columbia University, USA)
Takatoshi Sakazaki (University of Hawaii, USA)
We are still awaiting answers from more invitees around the globe. Find an updated version of the list, along with more information on the science themes, venue, registration details, and more on the conference web pages: or
We look forward to a great conference, and hope you will join in!
See you in Kyoto!
Download the 2nd announcement.