Plans to disestablish numbers of measurement scientists positions and reduce or discontinue some measurements at the NIWA atmospheric-research centre in Lauder, New Zealand have prompted a barrage of international concern.
We are seeking a PhD student to work in Davos, Switzerland within the project "Variability of Solar Irradiance, Seismology of the Sun, and its Implications on the Terrestrial Middle Atmosphere" funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The main goal of this project is to study the response of the middle atmosphere to the short-term variability of the solar irradiance. The PhD student will apply a state-of-the-art Climate-Chemistry Model to simulate the ozone and temperature variability in the middle atmosphere, analyze the results and compare them with observations.
The applicant should have a Master or Diploma degree in physics, mathematics, environmental, earth sciences or engineering and deep interest in the modeling of physical or chemical processes in the atmosphere at all scales or some experience in numerical climate and chemistry modeling. Good knowledge of mathematical fundamentals, FORTRAN-95 and IDL visualization package will be essential. Fluency in English will be a great advantage.
This 3-year position should be filled until October 2012. Applications including CV, statement of interest and contact information for two potential referees should be sent to Dr. Eugene Rozanov. For informal enquiries concerning this position, please, contact Dr. Eugene Rozanov (+41 81 4175135, ).
UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs is seeking an outstanding postdoctoral research scientist to engage in research on understanding climate variations in the Intra-Americas Seas (IAS) and their influence on climate extremes using global high-resolution coupled models. The research activities fall under the broad banner of climate variability, predictability and attribution. This is a new, full-time, two-year appointment, renewable for a third year. This position is located at the Climate Change, Variability Prediction Group at the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Labotatory, Princeton, New Jersey.
The development of the Future Earth – Research for Global Sustainability initiative launched in Rio+20 is well underway. The Alliance builds on the success of the international global environmental change programmes including WCRP. Co-sponsors are ICSU, ISSC, UNEP, UNESCO, UNU, with WMO as an observer.
NASA’s Earth Science Division and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Centre for Climate Sciences invite applicants to participate in their August summer school. Application deadline is 6 July.
The latest issue of CLIVAR’s Bulletin includes reports of the 19th SSG session and the VAMOS workshop on modelling and predicting climate in the Americas.