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Science Update: Effect of seasonal cycle of orographic wave occurrence above small Southern Hemisphere islands on general circulation

A new JGR article by M. J. Alexander and A. W. Grimsdell focuses on the orographic gravity waves generated by flow over the topography of small islands in the southern oceans. They use AIRS observations to examine the frequency of occurrence of these waves above 14 islands at ∼40km altitude. They show that these waves occur most frequently from May to September, but not every day. Seasonal variations are observed at different islands and appear to be closely related to latitude and prevailing wind patterns. Further examination indicates that stratospheric winds have a first-order limiting effect of these island mountain waves. The full abstract can be found here.

Science Update: Characterizing sampling biases in the trace gas climatologies of the SPARC Data Initiative

As part of the SPARC Data Initiative, M. Toohey and co-authors investigate the instrument biases relating to non-uniform sampling of the atmosphere in a new JGR article. Potential sampling bias in the stratospheric climatologies of ozone and water vapour are characterised using a chemistry-climate model. For ozone, monthly sampling bias exceeds 10% for many instruments in the high latitudes as well as in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS). Sampling biases for water vapour were generally smaller, but still important in the UTLS and the Southern Hemisphere high latitudes. Non-uniform temporal sampling was found to be the most important mechanism leading to both monthly and annual sampling bias. Similarly, non-uniform spatial sampling was found to be relevant, particularly for those climatologies that were otherwise free of biases due to non-uniform temporal sampling. The full abstract can be found here.

Science Update: Influence of major sudden stratospheric warmings and elevated stratopause events on the effects of energetic particle precipitation

Using the WACCM chemistry-climate model, L.A. Holt and co-authors investigate the effect of major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) and elevated-stratopause events (ES) on the transport of NOx produced by energetic particle precipitation (EPP) during the Northern Hemisphere winter. The model simulations indicate large increases in NOx following SSW and ES events, which are attributed to an increase in the descending branch of the residual circulation (w*) following an event. Interestingly, the earlier and event occurs in winter, the more NOx descends into the stratosphere. The full abstract can be found here.

Science Update: The SPARC Data Initiative: A comparison of ozone climatologies from international satellite limb sounders

As part of the SPARC Data Initiative, S. Tegtmeier and co-authors present some of the main findings from the comparison of ozone climatologies from satellite limb sounders in a new JGR article. The ozone climatologies cover altitudes from the upper troposphere to the lower mesosphere and are obtained from a host of instruments over the period 1978-2010 (LIMS, SAGE I, SAGE II, UARS-MLS, HALOE, POAM II, POAM III, SMR, OSIRIS, SAGE III, MIPAS, GOMOS, SCIAMACHY, ACE-FTS, ACE-MAESTRO, Aura-MLS, HIRDLS, and SMILES). The inter-comparisons focus on mean biases based on monthly and annual zonal mean fields, on inter-annual variability and on seasonal cycles. Their results indicate that uncertainty in terms of the mean state of ozone is lowest in the tropical middle stratosphere and in the mid-latitude lower and middle stratosphere, where the instrument spread is less than ±5%. Large differences between data sets exist in the tropical lower stratosphere and in the high latitudes, where instrument spread is ±30% and ±15%, respectively. The evaluations provide a very useful guidance tool for choice of reliable data sets for different applications. The full abstract can be found here.

Science Update: Quantifying the role of orographic gravity waves on polar stratospheric cloud occurrence in the Antarctic and the Arctic

S. P. Alexander and co-authors quantify the proportion of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) due to orographic wave forcing in a recent JGR article. Looking at data from four winter seasons for both the Antarctic and Arctic they show that in the regions downstream of mountain ranges more than 75% of water ice PSCs and around 50% of a high number density liquid nitric acid trihydrate mixture class result from orographic wave activity. In the synoptically warmer Arctic 12% of all PSCs are attributed to orographic wave forcing, while for the Antarctic this proportion is much lower (5%). The full abstract can be found here.

Science Update: 2001-2010 stratospheric ozone changes: the small role of solar flux variations

In a recent ACP article, S.S. Dhomse and co authors use a chemical transport model (CTM) to show that the stratospheric and lower mesospheric ozone changes during solar cycle 23 (1996-2008) can be reproduced using several different solar spectral flux datasets (SORCE, SSI, SATIRE-S). Model results agree well with both MLS and SABER observations regardless of the solar flux data set used, suggesting that the UV variations detected by SORCE are not necessary to reproduce observed stratospheric ozone changes from 2001-2010 in a CTM. The full abstract can be found here.

Science update: Microphysical modelling of Arctic stratospheric dehydration

As part of the RECONCILE campaign, microphysical modelling of the 2009/2010 Arctic winter campaigns was carried out by I. Engel and co-authors in a new ACPD article. They show that including newly developed NAT (Nitric Acid Trihydrate) and ice nucleation parameterisations as well as small-scale temperature fluctuations are vital to reproducing the observed signals of redistribution of water vapour in the Arctic stratosphere under the extremely cold conditions of the 2009/2010 winter. The full abstract can be found here.

Science Update: Are recent Arctic ozone losses caused by increasing greenhouse gases?

Recent Arctic ozone loss has been linked with climate change resulting from increasing greenhouse gases. In a recent GRL paper, H. Rieder and co-authors provide evidence to the contrary, by focusing on the volume of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs), a simple proxy for polar ozone loss. Analysis of three reanalysis datasets and results from a stratosphere-resolving chemistry-climate model indicate no statistically significant trends in PSC volume, nor any change in their probability density functions, during the period 1979-2011. The full abstract can be found here.

Science Update: Effects of stratospheric ozone recovery on tropospheric chemistry and air quality

A new ACPD article by H. Zhang and co-authors investigates the effects of recovering stratospheric ozone on tropospheric chemistry and air quality using the global chemistry-transport model GEOS-Chem. They find that surface ozone photolysis rates decrease significantly while ozone lifetime in the troposphere increases by up to 7% and the tropospheric ozone burden increases slightly (0.78%). Perturbations of tropospheric and surface ozone show large seasonal and spatial variations, with increases of up to 5% for some regions. The full abstract can be found here.

Science Update: ENSO influence on QBO modulations of the tropical tropopause

W. Yuan and co-authors investigate the influence of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) modulation of cold-point tropopause (CPT) temperatures. Using almost five decades of radiosonde data from eleven near-equatorial stations, they show that the ENSO influence on the QBO is quite zonally symmetric. The data indicate that the QBO has larger amplitude and longer period during La Niña conditions than during El Niño. Their results also indicate that the warmer CPT temperatures during QBO westerly shear conditions and colder temperatures during QBO easterly shear conditions, are larger during La Niña than during El Niño. This strengthens earlier findings that the greatest dehydration of air entering the stratosphere from the troposphere occurs during the winter under La Niña and easterly QBO conditions. The full abstract can be found here.