All posts by admin

Science Update: Sensitivity of Northern Hemispheric winter warming patterns to ozone climatology

In a new JGR article, S. Muthers and co-authors investigate the impact of different ozone climatologies on the dynamic response to large tropical eruptions. Ensemble sensitivity experiments with a coupled ocean-atmosphere model are perturbed with a single Tambora-like eruption. They find that larger meridional gradients in lower stratospheric ozone favour the coupling of zonal wind anomalies between the stratosphere and troposphere after the eruption. Associated sea level pressure, temperature, and precipitation patterns are more pronounced and the Northern Hemisphere winter warming is significant. Results also indicate that there is a non-linear response of the dynamics to the ozone and volcanic forcings. The full abstract can be found here.

Science update: Diurnal variability of stratospheric ozone measured at Mauna Loa

In a recent ACPD article, A. Parrish and co-authors use microwave observations from the Mauna Loa NDACC station to investigate the diurnal variation of stratospheric ozone. They compare these microwave observations with satellite measurements from Aura-MLS, UARS-MLS, SMILES and SBUV/2, as well as with output from the GEOSCCM chemistry climate model. The measurements agree with the model to better than 1.5% in most cases except the morning-night differences, which are significantly higher in the observations (2-3% from ~39-43km). The full abstract can be found here.

Science update: Harmonized dataset of ozone profiles from satellite measurements

V.F. Sofieva and co-authors present a new, merged ozone profile dataset based on limb and occultation measurements from several satellites (GOMOS, MIPS, SCIAMACHY, OSIRIS, SMR, and ACE-FTS). The data from each instrument are screened by the instrument teams, and provided altitude and temperature profiles are used to convert between number density and mixing ratio on a pressure or altitude grid. Tables of biases between each pair of instruments for each month are provided, as are bias uncertainties. The dataset provides high-resolution data for the 2001-2012 period in netcdf format and can be found at: The full abstract can be found here.

SPARC community meets in Queenstown, New Zealand

Today, a total of 300 scientists is gathering at the opening of the Fifth SPARC General Assembly in Queenstown, New Zealand.

This 6-day conference takes place approximately every five years attracting atmospheric and climate physicists and chemists, climate modellers, water cycle and cloud specialists and other experts from across the world. A traditional Maori welcome dance opened the conference followed by a warm welcome by Prof. Jim Metson, Chief Science Advisor at New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

In his address SPARC co-chair and conference convener Greg Bodeker welcomed the growing community, which is increasingly focusing on the troposphere as well as the stratosphere. In particular he welcomed the new delegates to these "family reunions", saying that "here it is where we share our latest research results and our passion for what we do. SPARC is a vibrant organisation and the value that you can derive from SPARC will, in a large part, be determined by your contribution to SPARC. So have a good week. Talk a lot. Have fun. Learn a lot. You can sleep next week."

The dense programme is organised around plenary sessions with invited lectures, poster sessions with one-minute pitches to introduce presenters and their research topics, and a series of side events. Some 80 early-career and developing country scientists sponsored by partners to the conference are attending the assembly. Sponsors include: the World Climate Research Programme; the World Meteorological Organisation and its research programmes WIGOS, GAW, and WWRP; the US National Science Foundation; the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research; the Canadian Space Agency; NIWA; the Australian Research Council’s Center of Excellence for Climate System Science; ESA; Antarctica New Zealand; the Committee on Space Research COSPAR; Bodeker Scientific; TOF Werk; Aerodyne Research Inc.; Macquarie University; University of Otago; and the sponsors of the SPARC International Project Office including the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich; the Federal Office for the Environment, and the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology.

Find the SPARC General Assembly website.

Call to contribute to the General Assembly carbon offsetting programme

As a core project of the World Climate Research Programme, SPARC seeks to ensure that their General Assemblies are as environmentally responsible as possible. While we have implemented a carbon offsetting programme for the GA, uptake of this initiative can best be described as weak. If you have not already done so, we would encourage you to consider making use of the programme we have established to offset your CO2 emissions resulting from your travel to Queenstown. The easiest way to do that is to go to:

and go to the "Make a Donation" section at the bottom.