Triple La Niña: the second chapter of the Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change webinar series

EPESC webinar: The Triple La Nina

The WCRP Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change Lighthouse Activity invites you to join the second webinar of the series that will provide a discussion forum on topics focused on predicting and explaining a range of different climate phenomena and events, while supporting the further development of a scientific agenda.

This second webinar will focus on the Triple La Niña and will provide a view of causes, key processes and prediction of such event.


  • Mike McPhaden (NOAA, USA): Causes and Consequences of the 2020-2022 La Niña
  • Fei Zheng (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, China): Key processes on triggering the multi-year La Niña event as revealed by seasonal climate predictions
  • Xian Wu (UCAR, USA): Predicting the duration of La Niña events using the CESM multiyear forecast systems

The event will take place on 22November 2022, from 15:00hs to 16:30hs UTC. Speakers will give a 20-minute talk each followed by a round table discussion, with questions from participants.

Registrations are free,