SPARC Science Update: 08 – 14 December

A selection of new science articles from the past week of interest to the SPARC community (a SPARC Office choice).

Five priorities for weather and climate research.
By Ø. Hov et al. in Nature.

Changing transport processes in the stratosphere by radiative heating of sulfate aerosols. By U. Niemeier and H. Schmidt in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Mountain waves modulate the water vapor distribution in the UTLS. By R. Heller et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Testing the sensitivity of the extratropical response to the location, amplitude, and propagation speed of tropical convection. By M. Goss and S.B. Feldstein in the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences.

Surface impacts of the Quasi Biennial Oscillation. By L.J. Gray et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions.

Observations of the Breakdown of Mountain Waves over the Andes Lidar Observatory at Cerro Pachon on July 8/9, 2012. By J.H. Hecht et al. in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

An even longer road to recovery? By J. Fahrenkamp-Uppenbrink in Science.

Improving variational data assimilation through background and observation error adjustments. By J.P Mattern, C.A. Edwards, and A.M. Moore in the Monthly Weather Review.

Climatology and interannual variability of dynamic variables in multiple reanalyses evaluated by the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP). By C.S. Long et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Mechanisms Governing Interannual Variability of Stratosphere to Troposphere Ozone Transport. By J.R. Albers et al. in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.