SPARC Science update: 20 January – 2 February

A selection of new science articles from the past week of interest to the SPARC community (a SPARC Office choice).


Optimizing the definition of a sudden stratospheric warming. By A.H. Butler and E.P. Gerber in the Journal of Climate.

Ten Year Analysis of Tropopause-Overshooting Convection Using GridRad Data. By J.W. Cooney et al. in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Mechanisms Governing Interannual Variability of Stratosphere-to-Troposphere Ozone Transport. By J.R. Albers et al. in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Climate impact of idealized winter polar mesospheric and stratospheric ozone losses as caused by energetic particle precipitation. By K. Meraner and H. Schmidt in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.


Discussion papers – open for comment

Volcanic impact on the climate – the stratospheric aerosol load in the period 2006–2015. By J. Friberg et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions.

Size-Resolved Stratospheric Aerosol Distributions after Pinatubo Derived from a Coupled Aerosol-Chemistry-Climate Model. By T. Sukhodolev et al. in Geoscientific Model Development.